
Thanks! Keeping it roadworthy isn’t always easy, but I guess that’s half the fun.

Then buy an RCF. A slow overweight sports car by Toyota. That also has plastic parts. Like every other car company out there. 

As they say, the problem with dumb people is that they don’t realize how dumb they are.

The biggest problem is that there are millions more JUST LIKE HIM out there.

Only $11 Billion? Shoot, I think my state could spend more turning 40 miles of rural 2 lane road into a divided highway.

What a powerful illustration of why these silly hunks of metal, plastic, and glass mean so much to us.

You can also argue that most wealth gained by oligarchs came to be in questionable terms. Similarly (hypothetically), your company could get big due to lax tax laws or some shady business. That would put company on target by global sanctions as directly benefiting from current (corporate) American regime.

Are you and your company deeply tied to the leader of a regime who is invading a foreign country? Is your company the result of massive graft and you were able to purchase a state owned company for pennies on the dollar? Is your wealth tied to corruption and being best buds with a maniac with delusions of recreating

We desperately need regulation to at least make sure that the people who actually hold capital can’t just push off any loss onto employees and customers. 


Everyone loves a “free market” until it’s time to pay people more or lower prices

The New York Times reported the company’s profit was the highest it had been since 2014. Chevron also experienced its most profitable year since 2014

The best way to avoid this kind of traffic is to support a locally-owned chicken place that serves tastier food, is likely owned by a member of your local area, and doesn’t publicly, proudly discriminate against the LGBTQ community.

Yeah, if the Russian troops haven’t had their “Are we the baddies?” moment yet, it’s too late.

All sympathy for Russia goes out the window when they’re specifically targeting maternity wards, schools, civilian cars fleeing, apartment buildings, and journalists. If Russians are ok with committing war crimes, then we need to be ok with the armed resistance to their invasion using any and all means necessary to

Well, Putin’s done it now: he’s interrupted the supply of Porsches to Russia’s wealthiest. They’ll be calling for his head soon enough.

Lots of pick up trucks.

Rising gas prices suck but people should have known that cheap gas wasn't a thing that was going to last. I stings a little filling up the hybrid Sienna, but I only have to do that once every two weeks. It probably sucks even more for the poor saps who thought daily driving a monster truck/suv was a good idea.

Yup, every time gas just gets expensive I just move closer to everything and get a job that I can walk to.