i only made this account to shit on billy haisley

He got all huffy.

I am a son, brother, husband, and father to the women and girls in my life

The sad thing is, this is how the world really works.

um, i believe you will find thats it very clearly a single an joke.


CTE is real, folks.

What the hell is it like to go through life constantly looking for things to get outraged about? Not even being able to enjoy a simple, nice story? Jesus christ, please lighten up for your own sake. Wow.

You are almost the perfect satire of the bitter, lonely shrew, but I fear that you might actually be serious.

So a dead guy comes back to life once he lands in a city called Phoenix, but somehow Christianity deserves the credit? Bullshit.


I'd be totally fucked. Sleep is the best; I'll take it over food, booze or sex any day of the week. Trying to stay awake like that just to live a couple more days? Totally not worth it.


He was the bomb in Phantoms, yo!

Mark Hamill is a goddamned treasure.

The day companies get penalized for anything...is the day we have democracy back...

I think companies need to be penalized for reporting false flags. That is the only way this kind of things are less likely to happen.

Germans giving people showers against their will continues to not end well.

The first German in recorded history to injure himself avoiding beer.

The trophy doesn’t feel real because it isn’t. Billy gave the real one to Citeh in September.