
Ah, yes. The voice of the ron paul/tbagger set. Crawl back under your rock, bitch.

Can we get a moon next to the star so we can moon a comment, an internet mooning if you will. This one deserves it.

At least you are here for the mostly for chicks, man.

Fuck you, you Deadskin cunt. Jack Kent Cooke spits on your dead mother's grave and assrapes your father, you fucking mo-ron.

Hey whatsintheduffelbag, Browns fan here. Thus, my life is a lie and yes, I'm drinking heavily.

You had me at "fuck off."

Shut the fuck up, paleface

Shut the fuck up, paleface.

The absolute worst facet of the Snyder propaganda empire is the paid commenter who magically shows up to EVERY SINGLE EFFING DAN SNYDER article and gives such brilliant opinions as "propaganda isn't so bad after all".

That's not true. I need something to spread on the floor when I paint furniture.

As a fellow fan and DC resident: please shut the entire fuck up.

You're right, nobody can ever criticize blatant racism if they aren't also simultaneously donating money to help the victims of said racism. And certainly nobody donating money to buy good PR can ever be a racist.

hey clark2jd, fellow Redskins (oops! Its always has been and will forever be racist and will always offend so you can just fuck off) fan here. I very much was born, raised, and for some dumb reason in my late 20's still continue to live in the DC area, and here's the fucking thing: all the other options to cover the

I could deal with the losing. As a sports fan, losing is part of the bargain. So if the Skins stunk, and the owner was a guy like Abe Pollin, a genuinely nice old man who just wasn't up to the task of managing a winning basketball team for the last couple decades of his life, I could manage. But Snyder is such a

Washington Times: owned and run by an insecure megalomaniacal fanatic who demands conformity of opinion within the organization

A Snyder-paid intern comments on-message on an article about Snyder buying off the media . . . . ::head explodes::

Hey Drew, make sure you include this winner for the "Why Your Team Sucks 2014 : Washington Redskins" edition.

Let's be fair: nobody in DC pays attention to the Times as it is.

Remember everyone - New York TIMES, Washington POST. Don't get them mixed up in either city.

He'll have to share the Washington Times with the NRA and the Tea Party.