Danny The Street

They have been brutalizing the Rohingya people for decades, egged on at times by extremist Buddhist monks.

They tried that in 1968. It didn't go well.


I think it's pretty much endemic to all political discourse. The levels of hypocrisy on all sides is, from a certain Martian perspective, fucking hilarious.

Didn't harm anyone eh? I guess the journalists actually there on the scene were just lying about what they saw and all those photographs were doctored.

I have issues with Harris because, in my opinion, he isn't nearly as thoughtful or philosophically savvy as his worshipful fans think he is. You can see how people like Chomsky or Dennett tear him apart pretty easily, or even his most recent podcast with Jordan Peterson, where they had to spend 40 minutes arguing

Yeah, that's not what I said. What I said was "deal with them like adults", ie state that it's a gross joke to make, but understand that someone is not defined by one tasteless joke.

The mean-spirited part of me thinks that part of the reason that the AV Club is putting out all these Trump and PC Police articles is that they saw those sweet CNN numbers and thought "gotta get me some of that".

Imagine if you'd said "I bet you're a gay, trans, black woman. Fuck off."

I worry how much this illiberal crap has infected the progressive movement. You see these bullshit thinkpieces everywhere these days. We have a fucking moronic asshole in the White House who is going to ensure we screw our future on this planet by soaring past 2 degrees C and who is pretty much declaring war on the

It's bad humour, for heaven's sake. Have you ever seen Eddie Murphy's old routines? They're disgustingly homophobic. Views evolve. We can either accept that people will say gross stuff and deal with them like adults or we can shove our fingers in our ears and try to wish them away.

I suppose technically that person's head they cracked was their property.

This was pointed out to me a while ago and I find it depressingly true.

He's in Canada

He has serious issues with the more regressive tenants of Islam, as he does with Christianity and pretty much every demiurgic religion out there. If we can't even talk about our problems with different faiths, we're in deep trouble. I don't agree with a lot of his views, but I'm fine with him having and expressing

I think you nailed it. I don't even like Maher (for the not-so-complex reason of me not finding him at all funny), but this "correct line" approach to so-called leftism is exactly the opposite of what we need. Going hardline and attacking anyone who isn't pure in all the right ways is exactly how large swathes of the

Coppola also made Jack and Youth Without Youth let's not forget.

There is not a rape epidemic in Sweden, this ludicrous media hype/thinly veiled bigotry is based on a fundamental misunderstanding that the country has far less "forgiving" definitions of what constitutes rape than other countries, which means it has much more reported cases of rape.

Remember when that actually never happened, despite the pretty pathetic attempts by a few conservative elements of the press to make it seem like it did?

No no! He didn't lose the popular vote! There was a giant conspiracy against him you see, he read it on a Brietbart comment threat.