Danny The Street

The Dry Boys finally cracked the top ten of News/Politics podcast ranking on Apple this week, so they are getting less and less obscure, but the massive overreaction from centrist media types has been extremely funny.

Still the best actually funny podcast that I totally understand why some people hate.

We all know there's a conspiracy at the AV Club to shut out the true greatest podcast.

This movie fucking sucks, stop trying to make it a nostalgic thing. High Fidelity wipes the floor with it and is actually made by people who like and understand good music.

Affleck never raped anybody, that's not what he is being accused of.

The accusations made against Affleck are on the public record. Read them for yourself and decide whether (if they are true) they make him an irredeemable monster or merely a drug-addled jerk. The tenor of debate around this stuff is way too general considering the specific claims are available for people to read.

The majority of people care about putting food on the table for their family, they care about their kids being educated, they care about not being annihilated in a nuclear holocaust, they care about a sense of sovereignty, they care about future employment opportunities, they care about having access to clean

Way to ignore my point and totally misread my comment. At least JMP had the reading comprehension to realize I'm not a right winger.

Oh yeah, it was the all those "purity trolls" that got Trump elected, not those rust belt states that had solidly voted for Obama in the past two elections but got utterly hosed economically for the last eight years and Clinton decided weren't worth her time to visit.

Yes, The Intercept is indeed worthless trash, just look at how they publish articles and leaks all the time which are actually carefully sourced and believe in insane things like journalistic integrity and holding Obama's foreign policy monstrosities to account. Much better to put your faith in places like the

Yeah, you know what? I enjoy a bit of anti-right wing fuckery as much as the next (sane) person, but this constant political click-trolling is shifting from somewhat amusing to a pretty nakedly cynical ad-revenue generator.

You can give me any label you like if it makes you feel better, saves you the effort of actually arguing any of the ideas in play.

Fuck, I do have to say that the Chapo Trap House reading series on Ben Shapiro's shitty book might just be the most wonderful skewering of right wing paranoid fantasies I've ever heard though. The fact that he actually gets mad at that level of trolling is pretty hilarious to me.

It feels to me that you are projecting a little here (of course I could be misreading you, I'm not about to read all of the nearly 2000 comments this idiotic article has engendered).

The right is currently crushing the left using exactly the "irrelevant SJW snowflake" narrative. You aren't going to beat them by shouting them down or turning universities into liberals-only safe havens. Democracies survive by being a place where people are free to exchange ideas, not by stifling them (I mean, within

Way to assume what my politics are with pretty much zero evidence. Trust me, I'm pretty far from any kind of establishment anything, let alone a Democrat.

Yeah, and the scriptural hoops they have to jump through to justify their blatant monstrousness are pretty incredible. At least with Christians or Muslims you can point to some kind of textual support. The Buddha explicitly said that violence was a moronic waste of time.

Yes, that's great. One way to guarantee your side will win is to call anyone who disagrees with your "correct line" perspective an asshole. Throw the kulaks out!

Bill Maher believes in:

The reality is that religion is a major source of comfort and meaning to literally billions of people around the world, it helps them find a sense of purpose, it lets them grieve in a way that they can comprehend, it provides them with moral frameworks to interpret their reality. Is it also responsible for some awful