Danny Plainview


Tim Duncan also played on a team called the San Antonio Spurs coached by a man named Gregg Popovich around other amazing players in a legitimate organization. Just because KAT isn’t surrounded by the same talent/organization doesn’t mean he’s any less of a player.

Mighty Ducks is literally a children’s movie

I heard the annotations for this article are being delivered by steamship and should arrive next week.

What I think is complicated, I admit, and not entirely clear even to me.

Now playing

David Blaine is a demon. Youtube told me so.

> 2020

“and even the much-maligned running game picked up a huge first down to run out the clock, something the Giants haven’t done successfully in 32 years (I’m guessing, I need to double-check that stat).”

His name is Porkchops Bazingas. smdh

You can’t run away from your problems. You hurt your poor family: offer them some closure, confront them, tell them a proper goodbye, so Aela can find someone else to live with. Or drink their blood and eat their soul or something

That’s because when Jesus was looking for the steal sign, he got crossed up.

i may get less at mcdonald’s

Whitson, could you try to not be wrong about literally everything? Five Guys is so delicious I’m going to go buy an order of cajun fries right now just to piss you off.

it’s just a picture of legs that cuts to an image of a man standing in a burning house and he has a goat head and his eyes are the black of the void and then it cuts back to an image of legs with paint on them and then it’s the goat headed man and he’s closer to the foreground and I can smell sulfur and then it cuts

Sorry, Patrick, the correct title was “What is Alex Trebek Hilariously Shits On Jeopardy! Contestant And Her Whole Crew For No Reason”.


It killed people and caused a bajillion dollars’ worth of damage, but sure, you go with the idea that we are wimps.

"A little thing that can turn into anything at anytime."