Excuse me if this has been answered e;elsewhere, but how will this game deal with the multiple endings of the previous trilogy? There were some seriously long-reaching implications of all those endings.
Excuse me if this has been answered e;elsewhere, but how will this game deal with the multiple endings of the previous trilogy? There were some seriously long-reaching implications of all those endings.
<wet blanket>
<blatant travel>
<rules don't matter>
<Trump's America>
There isn’t a legal basis for it, but you can ask that it be included in a contract if you want. They asked. UFC declined. Now Hunt is trying to use that declination as evidence of collusion/fraud.
I was seriously hoping there would be a giant dick in that gallery of ships. I’m disappointed in you.
Chip Kelly inherited a team that hemorrhaged a dozen or half dozen starters because of legal/long term injury concerns. The previous coach was supremely unqualified. The guy before him left the NFL to go back to college because of divisions within the front office.
Taking a shot, running away. Taking a shot, running away. Taking a shot, running away.
My simple take: if the game lets you do it, then it isn’t cheating.
Long live Deadspin Videos.
Tell that to Ezra Pound.
Go to uni-watch.com and search for wedding ring. Lots of coverage for how players deal with the issue.
Those penguins were tanking so much damage, and those Santas didn’t have enough HP. You could see it from the start. If those penguins didn’t suicide themselves, it would have been even more lopsided.
Did you just cite urban fucking dictionary to make a point?
Hi, Mr. Avidan.
Absolutely fantastic read, Kevin.
The saddest thing? There is no way to remove that sequence from hockey.
How about an official that stares at a TV screen and quickly buzzes the idiots on the field when they fuck up?
Clearly, she should go fuck herslef, but as Trevor noted, she won. Her brand of hatred and anti-intellectual nonsense won. We can ignore it, or we can engage it. I think Trevor did a decent job of that in this interview.
Get them liquored up and take them to the Peach Tree dance.
+1 Ron Dayne
FFI-FFX had me hooked. FFXI was something I’d never pay for. FFXII was awesome. FFXIII was kind of butt. FFXIV was also something I’d never pay for. FFXV has a chance to be cool. Conan O’Brien is cool, but he doesn’t get FF. I will buy and play this game.