
Absolutely no recollection! I’ll be honest, until I remembered and confirmed that the Borgward Hansa wasn’t shown/produced until 1949, this comment made ABSOLUTELY no sense to me. Could have added a bit of context, I guess!

Love it, but I’d swap the turbo mill for a 4.#L NA, making 5#0/5#0 @ 9#00, call it a day.

As someone born about 3 months after Acura was introduced to the world, it saddens me deeply that by the time the company reached the typical driving age, it decided to stop making desirable vehicles.

Looks like they forgot the front of the red truck.

Volunteering is a form of labor. Someone is lamenting they can’t get their vehicle. Another person is volunteering, to do the smallest amount of labor possible, talk, to help expedite the situation and make the first person happy. Pretty simple, that.

Trade 911’s for a stint?

Bought my 911 a month after my first kid was born, now they both ride in the back, one rear facing, one forward. Puts the little one to sleep pretty quick, big sis loves when I floor it. Wife doesn’t care.

Dunno where you live, but every event I’ve been to in the Raleigh-Durham area in NC has been wonderful. When it comes to the bigger Fri./Sat. night meets or multiple Cars and Coffee events near by, the mix is eclectic and everyone seems genuinely interested in not just their own car/brand/type, but all cars.

Uh...it’s not going any faster at 60mph than any other car at 60mph.

Thanks for all the help, that was a close one there.

Who would have thought, that all it took to defeat racism forever, was continuous verbal diarrhea that characterizes an entire group of people extremely poorly?

So close to perfection. Had multiple options too!

Using the Bible to justify it is bad.

Because you will be damned if anyone tries to make you pay for porn!

Me: RAV4s are for people who conform to stereotypes, people who have just given up on this world.

Should have led with: Lightning causes this to happen sometimes, the physics part has nothing to do with a hurricane at all. I mean, why even bother mentioning wind-speed? Seems like you just needed more words to fluff the story up, squeeze a few more ads in.

How about everyone keeps their hands to themselves, then no one needs to call the cops, ever. Way better that way.

You aren’t being dense, it’s your natural state.

How would a catalog of 1,200 existing videos be a “trickle of work” to convert?

Some people have more than one video on YouTube.