Call of conscience?
Call of conscience?
I am on your (probably unpopular) side. I just can’t help but feel like if this person’s clever enough to do something like this, she’s clever enough to do something more valuable and enriching. I’m so tired of internet personalities being lauded for their ability to gain popularity. The ability to engage isn’t…
I’m a baseball fan, but from my douchey professional advertising perspective (I know, I know), the “Let the Kids Play” campaign is counter productive. Its primary narrative contrasts the youthful exuberance of today’s fun-enjoying players with crusty old baseball farts and commentators crowing about “playing the…
Best part of last night’s broadcast was when Alonso high-fived McNeil after winning and the announcer is just like, “Not much good happening at Citi Field this year.” Never miss an opportunity to shit on the Mets.
I have both of these guys and my fantasy team is 40-100.
When we’d fuck up (which was frequent), my coach used to shrug and say “Just a Bird.” (Baseball Is Really Difficult).
Of course you’re going to get a lot of shit for this, but I agree with you in principle. Even if it’s a good faith kind of thing that recognizes that cars do the killing in these scenarios, I think there’s a tremendous benefit to cyclist education.
When I was in my sophomore year of high school, I was reading On The Road, and one of my friends called me out because even though I carried a spacious messenger bag around, the book never seemed to be inside of it.
I was watching this game at work with the sound off and I remember this. The ball in the ziploc bag leading into the dude with the baby was essentially performance art.
I used to work in an office nearby (incidentally, in the same building as the old Gawker, I believe), and on more than one occasion I went into Coffee Shop like, in the morning, you know, to get a coffee, and was so fucking confused that everything about the process was a confusing disaster that took like 10 minutes.…
I’m with you on this—NYC has plenty of issues, and rent is expensive, but whenever I see the “You gotta make a million dollars a year” take, it makes me roll my eyes a bit. Like, how do you think me and all my idiot friends live here? And what’s more, the take is always from someone who “visits regularly, but doesn’t…
Most of us don’t drive and are happy to trade the occasional inconvenience (which can stink, sure, but at the end of the day just requires a little patience) for places like The Met and Prospect Park. Like anywhere, it’s not for everyone, but there are lots of reasons to like living here.
Anderson took the ruling in stride, writing that being stripped of the gold medal “hurts a lot ... But my identity does not come from the trophies that I have won or the ones that have been taken away. It comes from who I am in Christ.”
Hey, what’s with the preponderance of the word “vile” lately? There are so many synonyms! As a Bruins fan, I can’t object to the vitriol, but as a writer, I’d appreciate some variety.
“The Springfield Police have told me that 91 percent of all traffic accidents... are caused by you six guys.”
I’m hung over and read “entrusting” as “encrusting” at first, and I wasn’t really off base.
Well, there’s definitely a tinge of insensitivity there, but aside from that, the first thing I thought of was the lesson that if you worship money, you’ll never have enough. Seems like Albies definitely has a clearer understanding of value than Welsh does.
Huge oversimplification, but there’s a high-level parallel to this year’s Super Bowl. A really talented team that was used to overpowering people in a certain way suddenly had to make adjustments, and they didn’t know how to do it, or if they did, had trouble executing their adjustments because they never had to when… Playboy model gf...