Danny Gross

Torch, I’m surprised you neglected to mention any standpoint on amber turn signals!

Require driver’s license re-testing every few years. Possibly add in real world scenarios where you have to make quick judgement calls.

Shame this breaks Takata’s continuous stream of positive press.

I don’t get why this is so hard for people to understand. I drive FAST always but have no problem letting someone FASTER go ahead of me. It boggles my mind.

It doesn’t matter if you are doing 60 mph or 160 mph, if there is someone behind you who wants to go faster than you do, then move the F over.

+1 or alternatively a Mazda 5, preferably with manual. Cherokees, old Volvos and the like are great but are certain to need frequent work given their age, might not be ideal without a garage, tools etc.

Isn’t russia just a 24/7 action movie?

They’d have to try out that newfangled quantum entanglement to get the info back sooner than radio transmission...

Good question, although we do have some guidance from history. Many early settlers were leaving the comforts of their previous surroundings for the vagaries of the frontier/”New World” etc. I realize the distances and times between sailing across an ocean vs. going to a start are different but the principle still

20% would be $600, and thus $3,600 total price. This is a 16.67% price hike to $3,500.

Epiphany. We can fix the burnout problem quickly and easily while keeping the true spirit of Cars and Coffee alive.

Democrat here.


It’s not just pay (it’s mostly not pay) it’s lack of training, and high turnover. If you want effective security, you need teams that drill a great deal.

Yuengling is my treat. Miller is my water. Because you can drink 5 in a row and still be functional.

I had its Ranger twin a few years back. Fun little truck with a 5spd. And more than enough torque for some jackassery with no weight over the rear tires. Speaking of being a jackass, one time I rerouted the windshield sprayers out the grille so I could use them as a squirt gun. Good times.

People will never understand cars. Most people can barely turn a door knob or push the right button on their appliances. (and why designers keep making them more complicated is complete insanity)

For those unaware, SawStop is a table saw (one of the simultaneously more dangerous and more commonly used power tools) that uses electrons, pyrotechnics, and magic to stop the saw blade near-instantaneously if you touch it with your fleshy bits. I’ve seen a live demo - it gave the “sacrificial” hot dog (used as a