

Guy picks needles fight with someone over nothing, that person defends themselves, guy tells that person to get over themselves. Is it just me or are the comments on here getting more reddit like?

Ahh A reference to uber psycho abusive Ultimate Hank Pym, Nice!

I would LOVE to see Wiccan in the MCU. Not only would they have a good Jewish character but a good homosexual one as well.

Apparently not.

Unless I know the person yes. Do you know this person personally?

That's right jump on the bandwagon with everyone else without giving one example of why they are wrong or right. Isn't that what you do 90 percent of the time TS? Like every comment I see from you is you agreeing with the majority and dissing the minority to save face. It is pathetic.

I could care less about the studios reputation, i only care about what is fair. Also Ryan if you want an answer to who is condemning the studio without their name or any evidence simply read this persons comments^

The point is it would be dismissed, period.

It is. It is patriautism's point as well. That the studio might not have done anything wrong, because we are simply ignorant to what they did. If you read his very first comment about perspective you would see that.

To deny the fact that other people in this thread are defending her her and passing judgment on nameless studio is a lie.

But the other people in this thread are, and they are defending that judgment. Are you denying that?

Unbelievable? You admitted you know nothing about them, yet are judging them based on what someone else you know nothing about said about them. Yes that is unbelievable.

Not far at all, it would be dismissed based on lack of evidence.

Exactly my point.

See my comment above. 2 conversations about the same thing at once is too much for me.

The studio in which she is referring. the fact that neither of us knows more than that about them is proof that we shouldn't pass judgment on them until we are less ignorant to them.

I am not assuming anything, neither I or patriautism is. You are the ones doing the assuming, when you assume Maggie is right, and the studio is wrong, just on her word alone.

Yes but you and everyone else in this thread passed judgment on a nameless studio because an actor said you should. They are using courts as an example of the unfairness of that stance.

She is blaming the entire studio in charge of the movie, which I'm sure is a mix of male and females..