
The studio, duh.

The studio?

I don' think she is wrong for not giving the whole story, but she did intentionally not give it.. She chose not to tell what the movie was about, just as much as she chose to say that she was discriminated against. Every thing we choose to say or not say is an intentional choice.

"not at all relevant" Are you not passing judgment on someone? I would say the procedures of judgment are very relevant when passing judgement on someone.

There is always reasonable doubt. Hell even Kacey Anthony got off with Reasonable doubt.N o this isn't a court hearing, but our laws of justice are based on fairness. It is just plain unfair to judge one party one party based on their past actions, and not the evidence given for the action ion question. If I get

Yep our justice system is insane.

Why is that? Because the studio is evil? She intentionally didn't give the whole story..

Because you know Maggie Gyllenhaal so well huh? Then go ask her specifically what the studio said!!

I haven't seen one argument in favor of men's rights. All I gather he is arguing for is basic human rights, and that is the right to be innocent until proven guilty..

He isn't trying to discredit her at all. He is saying that his judgment will be deterred until he knows the whole story.. Also where did this idea of discrediting someone who has been a victim being wrong come from? It is a defense attorney's job to discredit victims ( or so called victims) is it not? Does that make

That isn't what he said, but hey putting words into someones mouth is a sure sign that you are losing an argument, so way to go!!

I completely agree. We have all these wonderful female role models Like Katy Perry, and Emma Watson, teaching young girls good messages. At the same time we have all these not so wonderful ones preaching the exact opposite, Like Miley, Rhianna, and Beyone.. You always hear people these days praising Beyonce as a

I can see that. It would make more sense if she didn't literally have a song about how men should pay her bills if they're going to be with her.

Kanye get any dumber?

All I got was that he thinks it's ironic that Kanye thinks Beck isn't a real artist compared to Beyonce while Beck is the far more talented one.You know the truth… I mean what deeper meaning is there?

I'm black and I didn't see anything racist about calling Harlem dangerous, it is dangerous…But then again what do I know?

Well Patriautism got your asses there.^^^^ haha.

Did I just hear a mic drop?

Yeah A lot people (Av Club included) tend to forget that accents and languages change over time. So really any accent used in this movie was wrong.

Ooo you sniped my old comments to somehow offend me. Dude you're a fucking BRONIE! You got nothing on me.