
Last night my team was getting ridiculous boosts to our levels. In one game I went from 35 to 48. The next two matches put me in Prestige 1. I haven’t checked today to see where I’m at. But needless to say, it was odd.

You start out so far away from each other and have options of where you want to travel, so it usually takes a while to get smoked.

I love the option to filter players using a mic. However this seems to be broken or there just aren’t that many mic’d up players.

“Everyone has to go after this, and everything associated with *MEN’S soccer in America has to change.”

Wait, did she say “truck sticking” people?

As someone who struggled with hand to hand combat, I ran shit as a scout. Exposing hiding players to my homicidal teammates was a blast. Even got a couple kills here and there. I had a blast this weekend.

Going to play Ghost Recon so I can get fired up to complain online that there’s no PVP yet.


Uhhh, chocolate and fries you say? Not that bad of a combo.

Zack Greinke is 2-sport athlete? Huh...

I wrote for a college paper in the early 00's and our dummy heads regularly had something about shaking babies. Our copy editors thought it was hilarious. After every proof, we’d do a “shaken baby” scan.

Sorry my joke fell flat. Definitely not crying tho!

It’s all about raising awareness. Thank you for your sacrifice.

So I gotta be that guy huh?

Lifelong fan here, the biggest difference between this and other years is plainly a guy like Dave Kaval. The new President has pumped life into a pretty painful 3 seasons. Between his willingness to engage fans in person or on Twitter, holding office hours and incorporating fans ideas, we’ve never seen this.

20 commenters in a row: “The real witch hunt is when PVP is coming!!”

Man, I haven’t played since season 3. I keep wanting to go back, but just get anxiety of being away so long. These articles make me think if everyone is pissed and “sucks” based on their rating, maybe it will be seamless?

Wake me when they add Pilotwings.

“The team traded away Josh Reddick, Coco Crisp, and Rich Hill last season; Tyler Clippard and Ben Zobrist in 2015; and Yoenis Cespedes and Josh Donaldson in 2014.”

Feel like I didn’t properly get my ass kicked in Ghost Recon: Fallen Soldiers. Will spend a few hours going Predator style and hunting invisible snipers.