
Dammit, what do I do when I’m wrong on the internet.

Christopher Sunday was in his last visit. He never died.

I enjoy this game and thank Ubisoft for adding more content. Even if the last one wasn’t that great. Which is why I didn’t buy it.

Still playing. Co-op still a shit show of laughs and cursing. Challenges for solo are sometimes fun, but man, the rewards have to get better. Hoping the new difficulties will give me a reason to keep completing these.

McDonald’s .59 cent cheeseburgers. There was a time they didn’t have a limit of ten. Mid teens was not out of the question.

“Violation of Club Policy”

If I’m hearing that right, the guy holding the sign is named Kyler.

I see one of those draft picks spits mad fire.

Tebow has been playing ball since March. Why the fuck does he still have blisters?

I never let facts get in the way of a sub-par burn.

Advantages to being an A’s fan: Never paying fees as walk-ups are always available. Free parking on Tuesdays. Great transit to park. Cheap seats. Being able to causally stroll to a foul ball. Short lines for food.

Well, he’s not the general manager. So no?

We are finally going to do some Ghost Recon missions. Spent a week now upgrading guns, touring Bolivia and yelling at my buddy for ruining my stealth.

Can we stop with the repetitive tag? If that was a thing, no one would ever buy a sports game.

The Division is probably the only game I’ve ever bought and stopped playing within 2 weeks. I will never go back.

Also they bought an entire fucking block of downtown Oakland.

He comes from a long line of military family members. Probably that.

Counterpoint: I bought a mini cactus at Sky Harbor for like $6 and it looked super legit. The GF loved it and I looked like a nice guy.

He also referred to MLK as Reverend King.

Also, banned from using him on offense?