
So we now have sportsmanship truthers?

You are right of course, but at the same time, that has nothing to do with these 2 people genuinely being decent human beings to one another.

Well, honestly it’s a competitive mode, so if you lose a game, you’re going to lose some rank. I think that’s fine, and i’m not sure why they would change it. It’s the nature of playing competitively. Sometimes you lose, sometimes you win.

I am guessing you have worked only with a software product that is almost only code, not data dependencies.

I respect the hell out of this decision. The data miners don’t care about spoilers, but a lot of people do. There’s not enough surprises in video games these days.

everythings a dildo if youre brave enough

That chart is a joke. DVA & Roadhog are not underpowered at all.

There’s no multiplayer. It was confirmed before the game released on PS4. it is a single player experience only. Stop the mind job.

Regardless of what they said two years ago, I have absolutely no problem with this game NOT being multiplayer. Im enjoying myself the way it is now.

It’s part of the reason, but the hitbox on Hanzo’s arrows are legitimately enormous regardless of tick rate.

wow cheaters are not catching a break this month.

Sue them into oblivion. I’m so sick of cheaters in online games. The world would be better off without these people.

Or, you know, you can just read this REAL headline about black on black violence which anti-cop dipshits like you ignore.

No, quickplay is for folks who don’t want to play competitive.
Maybe you go there to troll, but some folks stay there because they don’t want the stress of playing for competitive points.

I hear you, but I still think you’re looking for a story where there probably isn’t one. He should be more clear, but I’m sure it’s just something that’s either server-related or requires a patch. I doubt there’s anything dishonest going on here based on what we know about Sean Murray.

Maybe they don’t know with absolutely certainly yet?

Seems like a simple server issue, as Sean alluded to in his “too many people” comment. Gonna be awhile before the servers are working as intended, I’d bet.