I eagerly await people coming in to defend the cheaters and how this isn't fair and blah blah blah
I eagerly await people coming in to defend the cheaters and how this isn't fair and blah blah blah
The reddit thread is hilarious, but the imgur post of all the banned people complaining, or threating to sue Blizzard is comedy gold.
I am loving the “no-fucks-given” attitude Blizzard’s been showing with their bans.
I guess I’m in a minority group of people that follows games being developed, without trying to voraciously consume every last tidbit that gets released for it. I’ve been interested in this game since it was first announced, and casually followed along as they trickled videos out on talk shows and other places.
And because it didn’t live up to the hype, that automatically means the game is terrible. Because there is no middle ground anymore. A game is either the most glorious thing ever, or its the biggest POS since last month’s POS.
Been saying this for months people have created this fantasy of what the game was going to be like, myself included, but the reality of this type,of hype is always a let down. It's 60$ and I've shelled out as much for games that are much worse so I'll be picking this up at release. One funny complaint I saw was that…
This whole conversation misses the point.
I play a lot of Zarya and that shield doesn’t stop my particle cannon beam. Winston and Reinhardt still give me way more trouble than D.Va, but that could just be me.
Not really. D.Va is more viable as a tank but ultimately she’s still not a good tank to soak up damage like Reinhardt nor is she good for charging in like Winston.
But the UFC fighters aren’t employees so the UFC didn’t have to offer health benefits. The fact that they provide full health benefits to their independent contractors when they didn’t have to is huge. Especially when they don’t really have any major competing MMA orgs.
From some people’s research, spawn areas correlate very strongly with overlays of typical cellphone usage in regions. This causes natural clustering in population density areas. If you live in an area of low cell phone use, you’re pretty much SOL :(
This is the sort of comment that I would pull you out of the greys for, if I wasn’t also stuck in them. Bravo.
UFC has insurance in place for this sort of thing. It actually also extends to training injuries, which is surprisingly great, considering their track record of (arguably) treating fighters poorly. But Bellator has no such SOP or insurance. This seems to be a one-off situation where they’re paying for his medical…
Still connected via SkyNet.
We all know the best Pokémon is whatever your favorite is. It also doesn’t reside in a Pokéball, because it lives in your heart.
I think she’ll see a lot of play in pro tournaments. You need to think about her abilities, and how crazy good they are. For a support to be able to shut down almost any ult with a long range stun that can last five seconds? Not to mention her ult is crazy good. She’s more for coordinated teams, so lends herself to…
It’s hard to create a simulation with that many elements and not have it be more or less clunky.
Compared to its predecessor Arma 3 made some damn good progress to make it feel smoother, especially with the Marksman Update adding some long wanted features and tweaks.
It’s something you deal with.
“If you’re the type of pizza eater that does not like crust...”
Today on Highlight Reel we’ve got Stockton Slaps, poo waves, Dark Souls 3 invasions, and much more!