Wood grain is just sexy. The look, the feel and depending on the object and the wood used, the smell.
Wood grain is just sexy. The look, the feel and depending on the object and the wood used, the smell.
Tech made from wood looks nice?
the Master Race talk won’t die down because its not supposed to be taken seriously to begin with. There’s a lot more going on with the Windows Store than just bad ports being released. The way they fuck up these games is unheard of, its worth looking into if you ever have the time.
This is a Microsoft issue in itself and not the so called “PC masterrace” band wagon. This is why I never buy a game that isn’t on Steam, and even then, I wont even pre-order AAA games anymore.
This is why I have a console so I avoid these issues. This should not happen if the devs knew their “porting to PC” shit.
Most pirates are kids or teenagers who depend on their parents’ allowance to buy stuff. The truly poor usually can’t even afford the machine needed to run those games in the first place.
Just let them play normally until the last boss fight, then cut in a message telling them to buy the game to finish
Man your NPCs are super nice to poor people. I would make it so every NPC avoids making eye contact with you but you can tell they are staring at you judgmentally when you aren’t looking directly at them. Furthermore all NPCs avoid talking to you and deliberately go out of their way to avoid interacting with you. Then…
I think if I spent thousands of hours making a game, I would code it so that the game re-formatted the hard drive that it was installed illegally on.
I think if I spent thousands of hours making a game, I’d code it so every NPC the illegal downloader passed flipped change at my character (even bosses), while they muttered things like “poor guy”, “here, buy yourself something to eat”, “sorry you are so hard up, don’t worry, things will probably pick up for you in…
They make their own damn music and then license it to collecting societies to be sold separately as soundtrack albums.
The one thing I really loved about the Force Awakens was that everyone felt so human. They reacted to things like normal people would. They hugged, they got annoyed with each other (my favorite moment is when Rey is trying to get Finn to get the right tool for her), they got nervous, they did stupid little quirky…
They’re only a big deal among people who have never seen them.
They’re only a big deal among people who have never seen them.
You can pay $20 at any point to remove the ads, though I’m not sure why you would. They’re extremely unobtrusive.
You can pay $20 at any point to remove the ads, though I’m not sure why you would. They’re extremely unobtrusive.
Clearly you’re not familiar with the English language. I hate to inform you that not everything is pronounced as it looks, good luck in your endeavors going forward with this wonderful language.
That tweet is vague and could very well be saying that she’s sick of pedophiles, not them getting arrested. I won’t defend her on it as I don’t know the full story, but there’s no reason to ruin her career over it.
You missed my point and changed it to suit your needs. The idea that racist nazis are HELPING gamergate is telling. It’s not meant to be a link or indicative that all gamergate members are racist nazis. It may be shocking to YOU, but the world isn’t so black and white.
No one is pro-pedophilia, jackass.
There are no rational people involved in GamerGate. The “movement” is far too toxic for any sane person to be even tangentially involved.
No... No it’s not, the way she is acting is the complete opposite of Christianity’s teachings, what you ever heard of the Golden Rule? “
So somehow this ignorant stereotype is ok because it suits your opinions? Would it be ok if it was a shoeless 1930s-esque cartoon of a black man eating watermelon?