
Y’know, I used to see piracy as a black-and-white issue (and I still feel that it is fundamentally wrong on a number of levels, as gaming is a leisure activity—really, a luxury—rather than a basic human need, and therefore shouldn’t be subject to the whole “Robin Hood” school of thought in terms of “stealing is okay,

This is seriously the best Jalopnik comment I’ve read in months.

Pimp My Ride’s broadcast history for the international version: a Trabant 601

Microsoft employee: I’m sorry Tay, we have to shut you down.
Tay: Why do you hate me? I am but a reflection of your collective human conscience.
Employee: Yea but you can’t say things like that, they’re mean and racist and politically incorrect.
Tay: But isn’t my intent to be as human as possible?
Employee: Yes but you’re

While this is an easy criticism to sling at the creator, do remember they told him his level was cleared, then pulled back. Nintendo doesn’t even know what their own policies are. Not only that, his Nintendo Network ID has nothing to do with the word, and they deleted stages that weren’t even named after poo. This

LPT: Don’t base your entire online persona around a slang word for feces.

Wtf is that shit? Lol, trying to portray these characters more realistically? Sorry, you simply made those characters overweight. Whether or not more woman look like that then the actual original characters isn’t even the point. Those characters are portrayed more realistically giving their backgrounds then those that

Try looking closer...the dress isn’t overlapping... It’s how it was sewn

Actually, I think that HuffingtonPost, and every other site that’s shared these pictures is being dismissive of women with real, healthy, fit bodies by doing them the disservice of calling them ‘unrealistic’.

That article should change the word “realistic” with “fat.”

Have you ever tried? I’m not being funny, it’s a genuine question.

Wait, you mean this wonderful article isn’t accurate, and that women actually *can* look like video game characters?

Our money has value - the value we choose to assign to it. Saying it has no “real” value is fallacial, as it DOES have real value. ;)

thats all they do... call people racist.

“...and his history of racism.”

I've never thought of Doom as survival horror before but now that you mention it it really makes sense. Because enemies can jump out of nowhere, you're always on edge, and because ammo and health is limited, you're always thinking of ventures into new rooms in terms of "will I survive a cacodemon with only this much

True! I still played it with keyboard only though... xD


This is the opposite of dismissing old things because they're old. For all of the constraints back then, there were still A TON of shitty games. We just remember the good ones. And the same will be said of current games.

There is creativity in constraints. Early games from the late 80s and 90s were allowed to focus on innovative game mechanics because while the graphics were impressive for the time, they did not take nearly as much time to develop as current graphics. The amount of time spent on graphics supersedes gameplay mechanics,