
....why the hell are you saying this?

Usually. I know people who went through half a dozen 360s.

I'm ok with racist white murricans being stuck with what they hate.

I'd rather it be abundantly clear who the racists are so that they can be shamed/hunted out of existence.

"Did we take care of all of your journalistic needs in a timely and satisfactory fashion today? Was my journalist service reliable, and did I accurately and politely respond to your concerns?"

I agree with every word of this post.

You lose all your stuff when you die. Only assholes log out.

I agree with this. I don't need an established character to switch sexes for the sake of having a female character. I need more fucking awesome original characters. Whenever that kinda thing happens, all I can think about is someone higher up in the company in charge saying, "Y'know what? Take someone we've already

I used to be a little girl like you.

Honestly, nothing. I've watch her stream and she interacts with her viewers and people who donate get their name up on the wall between her games. She seems like a really sweet girl. Yes, she panders to her audience but that's what a GOOD entertainer does. Figures out who she's reaching and hook'em with content and

Yes, and I assume the people giving it are watching the streams. So they are donating because they like the stream. So how are they being tricked? Are they not giving their money of their own free will? Are they not allowed to see the stream before giving money?

I know right?! I remember that was all we wanted as youngins. We had to go to dances, movies, the MALL, all the other lame things we hated doing why? Because girls. What did we want to do? Play video games. I would have killed for more girls to be interested in games when I was younger. This lot can go to hell.

I keep hoping that I'm not the only pathetic neckbeard out there that doesn't blame the rest of the world for his failings, and that most of us are pretty reasonable if disappointing people, but the Internet keeps proving me wrong.

OMG how horrible!!! A woman!!! On a screen, how dare she show her face in public unaccompanied by a man!!!!

This is exactly why I never say anything.... we are dealing with young adults and teenagers that do not understand sex. Eventually everyone will look back and say...ohhhh

All those men are sluts, showing off their faces and their beards. Those glinty nerdcool glasses and those pouty lips wrapped around beer bottle rims. They shouldn't show their faces on their streams, it's obvious they're just trying to get more women and gay men to watch them stream so they can get more money.

When the opinion involves telling someone else what to do with their body? Yeah, that's a problem.

Man this argument is so lame.