
Nah I rather mean as a setting in something like an appealing single player RPG with a well written story (cliche clean), choices and consequences and preferably combat stolen from the Souls Series. Morrowind left such a strong impression on me because the setting is extremly unique and otherworldly and I would love

I expect Elder Scrolls Six to be released at some point, hopefully next year.

I really wish they had focused their energy on the next one instead of the MMO.

If it's no big deal - then what's the problem with more women being represented? After all, it's literally just 0's and 1's. It's not a direct attack on male gamers because women want to see themselves in games.

"And no, you won't really be at any disadvantage for playing the game that way. "

yeah, because god forbid a small independent gaming company like EA have enough resources to hire a female voice actor for the multiplayer assets and the manpower to create some female looking models for the game.

Now you've forced me to watch that gif for a couple straight hours. Thanks Obama.

It took one burn to keep me nice and suspicious. The War Z. Remember that shit hole? I still want my 20 dollars back.

I thought you paid for the final product of the game and were given an invitation to beta test. I think it is impatient gamers that view it as pay to test.

Look at this shit. Here's 2K's guide on how to run the game in "fullscreen"

You are still massively missing the point. The game developers cannot tell the pirates to 'get a fucking job.' That's not how it works. You're being colossally pig-headed about this. In fact, effectively combating REAL crime works the same way: you have to combat it at the source, by educating people and improving

the ladder sponsor cracked me up

I like to imagine that they're making some revenue off of their Youtube channel, but I personally enjoy that they're putting this much faith into a good show.

The nature of the show demands that sort of exposure, otherwise it loses a chunk of it's meaning. And it being on HBO means that it doesn't have to suffer network bullshit. :) Everyone wins.

Great advice. They'll just fly out of the country and relocate to an entirely different country with all that money they have just so they can play "dem vidya gamez."

What's life like in the blissfully simple world you live in? :)

I should be clear that I am totally against piracy and just being devil's advocate. I will pose one though. What is better for the game developers? The kid that can't afford to purchase the game, pirates it, loves it and becomes a fan of the developer. Or the kid that can't afford to purchase the game and never plays