Dan Medzy

My decision to keep watching this show keeps getting rewarded steadily. I have faith. Also I love Bosworth. And I agree .. easy on the dutch angles guys..

I know right. It would be utterly ridiculous if he survived that. lol

"seemingly kills Mark".. ? Mark is definitely dead after that. First that was a LOT of blood.. but more importantly they did that typical writer's thing where Mark apologised to Kyle, making himself more likeable just before they kill him off to attempt to give it more impact..

Terrible mistake to axe that show. Needed at least 3 more seasons.

And Sam Esmail's password is…

I wouldn't bother. Far better tv out there to be concerned with right now. Mr Robot, Stranger things, Preacher, to name just a few.

"Her reasons make her at least somewhat sympathetic.." Do they really though? I don't think so at all.

I like the blank page idea.

As someone who has been criticising this show quite a bit all the way through this season, it's nice that it's finally got me to a point where I'm actually looking forward to seeing what's next and that's no small feat for this show. That said, the mechanical way they have killed off almost all of the dominant

Easily the best episode of the season so far, but that's saying less than it sounds like it is. Lets hope the show continues down this kind of road. I'd love to see a team of beweaponed explorers sent out again or something like that. I've become so bored of virtually everything inside Wayward Pines that anytime we

I don't see why a democracy and some sort of congress / council would be a bad idea for this town.. Why is nobody fighting for that?

I'll always think "Abies" are the least terrifying name to call these things ever. It makes them sound almost cuddly.

For such a big character, Kate's end seemed very sudden and forced and you couldn't help but think about writers in a room somewhere coming up with a vague excuse to write her out of the show for reasons that have very very little to do with the series narrative. I like Yedlin so far.. sort of reminds me of a Nestor

I didn't like any of the Gilbert stuff. Totally unnecessary.

I think it makes perfect sense that Kevin killed Marco. He panicked and felt he had no other option. He's a bit thick our Kev and makes rash stupid decisions on the fly. I think it's entirely consistent with where his character is at.

Yeah this was annoying me for some reason as well but I think it partly stems from me being very easily triggered by smugness of any kind. And Marco has smugness in spades

Yeah me too. I started watching this show because of Owen and Soderbergh. I can't even imagine a season 3 now without Owen. Not that I would stop watching but I would have loved him to succeed.

I'm enjoying this show more with every episode. The direction and performances are particularly keeping me invested. That score really makes it all the more stylish and interesting too somehow. I'm usually a bit squeamish with gore and I think I've done pretty well so far aside from deciding to eat a plate full of

I'm a few years late to this particular party but damn I love this show so far. I don't know how it passed me by for so long. And I normally dislike most period dramas.

"Before you embark on a journey of revenge dig two graves." Revenge never really "solves" problems or in this case any it does are deeply offset by the fact that it just creates more trouble and unhappiness. Yeah that guy was an evil douche but in my mind all these characters have done evil things to varying degrees.