Dan Medzy

Yeah it's a pretty crazy bundle of steadicam moves to do so seamlessly. I remember them doing something similar before on breaking bad and being impressed with the operators.

You've pretty much got no soul I think if you didn't feel at least something :) I thought it was a perfect end, and even more so if you've had your own great all consuming love that could never be for whatever reason. You think back and it's oddly relatable in the sense that there was once this perfect bundle of

I feel like that was a red herring to make people think it was Eugene.. when it's really going to be Abraham.

I agree!!! It's almost too obviously Abraham. They tried to make us hate him a little too with the asshole breakup earlier on to lessen the blow.

I'm convinced it's Abraham taking it like a champ. That said.. I found it annoying to end how they did after all that build up. It would have had much more of an impact to show the death and cut to black.

Just to settle this.. I just asked Tom Schnauz. He said it was shot with a "Stedicam moving from crane to vehicle."

Ha ha how dare you post things on social media! Grow up Indonesia.

Yeah definitely reviewed with a stick firmly up the ass here. Louie expresses himself through his work right or wrong and depicts what he thinks is relevant or interesting. I say have at it. His perspective is always great and refreshingly honest.

I agree. If the other person doesn't know and the trans person hasn't wanted to reveal something "so personal" about themselves, it's a lie of omission, a deception on a level that's far deeper than the character in this setup makes it out to be. People can make all the comparisons they like but regardless of which

Wasn't that pig thing Mike had there with his granddaughter the same one he uses later in Breaking Bad on someone's peephole door as a distraction?

All I have to say is I have no sympathy for Scotty. He was pure scum.

After such a build up last episode they really owed it more time or at least more suspense to wrap the attack up.. Last week's was my favourite of the season and this in many ways did that brilliant episode a disservice. That said, otherwise I didn't have too much of a problem with it. I just so much miss the anxiety

For all the flaws this show has (and oh boy it does have a lot) God help me it's still very watchable after all these years and that's no small feat. This due in no small part to the strong performances of all the cast. Having said that.. with only a little more work and attention in the writers room it could be so

Apart from the obvious ridiculousness of Saul leaving that man in the room to kill himself the only other issue I had with this otherwise excellent episode was a minor one.. and that is my age old hatred of less than subtle visual exposition. I don't think they needed the device to display "SYSTEM ARMED" in big

Out of all of these characters I like Cole the most. Cole and Helen are the only ones I want to see happy in the end.

What a perfect finale. I love this show to bits and hope it runs forever. It's always a bit unclear to me exactly how much is set up and how much the people involved actually know off camera (despite what we are told) but that ambiguity oddly helps the show more than harms it.

Haha! Yes that was ridiculous! Pretty much everything with Quinn this season has been a complete train wreck. Shame he hasn't been put to better use because he's such a great character.

I'd give it a B- but this review certainly brought up some valid points. Most of this episode and the last I just wanted them to hurry up and find Quinn alive because we all knew that would happen anyway so best just get it over with but no.. it was drawn out unnecessarily as expected.

I think the (what must have been very recently added) ADR of Allison's "We don't want another Paris." deserved at least a mention in this review..

"I might have even harmonised along with Garvey." Ha ha! This comment was hilarious to me for some reason Mary. The temptation was definitely there. Maybe I'm a sucker for this stuff but that kareoke actually got to me a little bit.