Dan Medzy

Noah having stabbed himself I'm sure was as painfully obvious to others as it was me the moment it happened early in the season, but despite this non-reveal I agree that this was still one of the best episodes of the show period and the stuff with Noah's mother I didn't see coming so that made it all worthwhile.

I found it painfully obvious from the first moment that Noah was hallucinating so the car reveal just stood out as labouring the point. It's an interesting plot point I just wish they would have done it in a more interesting way.

If you make any more errors in these reviews I will do something very awful and unexpected. I'm serious. I'm hanging on by a threat here..

Yeah I was confused why everyone was saying it was predictable as well.. Better reads than me on this one. I had no clue that was coming.

There was nothing in this one that wasn't completely predictable I agree. It was watchable enough just offering nothing we haven't all seen before.

I still don't understand why in the hell the two techs have done anything at all Maeve has said.. from increasing her abilities to obeying her every command. If they were scared of her they could have got on top of it or limited her abilities to shut her down long before things got out of control.. or am I missing

You really should go back and give Halt and Catch fire another go. It gets much better..

Also, also.. if I'm being super anally nit-picky the quote was:

I have so much respect for AMC for sticking this excellent show out and giving it one more season renewal despite it's ratings and I have an equal and opposite disrespect for the many many morons who never gave this show a chance, contributing to those poor ratings. AMC's defiance has been heart warming in an industry

I would allow only two of the below commenters in the "good place". I'll let you guess who.

It took me a while to warm to this show but I'm firmly on board after that finale. Sign me up for more seasons. I'm in. :)

I've never agreed word for word with a review so much. This pilot missed the mark for so many reasons. The tragedy is that this isn't that bad of a premise it's just being executed very very poorly.

The disappointment the mutiny lot feel when their stock plummets will mirror exactly what I will feel if this show gets cancelled. This episode was brilliant and I feel like there's so much more this show has yet to say that it would be a crime to see it end early. It's sad more people haven't given this show a

Well I'm pretty late to the party on this one as I wasn't really into the premise when it came out but people say it gets good so here I am ready to give it a go many years later. I always like to follow the old reviews here on any show I start watching. Always wonder how many others do the same..

Another here who thought it was positive. 96% certain :)

Yeah I guess I'm down for it too, either way I'm curious enough to see if he can pull it off but at the same time I'm wary that there's a good chance it won't come together in a satisfying manner, being burned too many times before. It's possible. I agree with others comments that this finale will give us a good idea

Reading all your comments you are the closest to my own thoughts of anyone here, but having said that I'm still here for the long haul even if things continue to crumble and devolve into further pseudo artistic circle-jerkery. I constantly get the feeling from this show that it thinks it's way more intelligent and

I have nothing to add other than Gordon is giving me some serious Ned Flanders vibes this season and I would advise he return to season 1 bearding immediately. Thank you.

Gordon has a right to be upset but does he really have a right to be THAT upset since Joe did call him and try to tell him his idea and offer a partnership which was quickly rejected last season. Joe has been sneaky sure but even though it was Gordon's work it was Joe's idea to implement it. Still unethical but it

I've liked this show a lot from the start and still do but one thing that keeps niggling me about it is the insinuation that so many major steps forward in computing were first conceived by this rag tag group of people. Computer virus. Computer security. Internet gaming. Chat rooms. Mutiny being essentially the first