
I’m going to miss him SO MUCH!

Mornings sound like a trumpet fanfare chez Danky. A loving duet of the awakening bodies.

Law enforcement does this all the time. I think it’s meant to show that they are being objective about the suspect/dumb person, but I wish they’d just call them a man or woman or person. Gentleman is an outdated word, but it’s meant to imply that a person lives up to a certain code of conduct, which none of these

Oh, too bad it wasn’t just an easy fix. I still wear a watch when I want to feel businesslike and I have to be on time for things. It’s easier than pulling out a phone, plus it’s ornamental.

I have a solar watch. Try leaving yours out on the windowsill. That’s what the repair person told me and it worked.

Link please? I’d love to get some of these fabrics myself.

I’m fine with whatever people want to wear, but I’d like to point out that a loose covering of lightweight, light colored cotton is not hot, but in fact protects against the sun’s rays. People in hot climates often wear flowing garments for this reason.

Denoted != detonated. Sheesh.

IBM does a whole lot of virtual meetings because of its global workforce. If somebody has to travel, it’s probably because face time is deemed necessary, as it often is for client engagements.

Good point. I feel that way about a lot of words, not just the big ones that pertain to philosophical or religious beliefs. Language is my religion I guess.

I thought the attitude is “words mean what people think they mean, language is constantly changing blah blah blah.” Personally, I think words have specific, nuanced meanings and I get annoyed 1000 times a day but I rarely mention it because I’ll just get told that caring about these things brands a person as an

Excellent screen name.

Well, I think she was known as Marie when I was a kid, but that was a long time ago. Or, to avoid the whole issue, Madame Curie. We all know who we mean, either way.

Marie Curie was my first woman hero. I’ve admired her ever since I read a biography of her in grade school. Excited for this movie!

I went last summer at Tanglewood and it was great. Carl Kassel came back for a cameo and they interviewed outgoing Gov. Deval Patrick. Lots of enthusiasm in the audience, for sure.

I think the cup thing is the packaging for the headband. So fancy it needed its own picture.

Tomlin and Fonda develop a great chemistry together over the course of the series. The guys, not so much. Worth watching for sure.

That was a Snake Pliskin reference (Escape from New York), but I also enjoyed your story!

Did you think he was taller?

Kudos for “rein” rather than “reign.” Thank you.