
This is me - Mad Men hits too close to home and makes me too sad. I watched a few episodes (maybe the whole first season) and I could tell it was going to be about the awakening of the second wave feminists. I liked that, but the steps to get there were just too painful for me to watch.

As the daughter of a father and mother damaged by the depression, WWII, sexism, and undiagnosed mental illness including PTSD, Mad Men is way too close to home for me to watch much of it. I can tell it was beautifully done, but it is just too sad for me to get immersed in it.

I joined Mensa too just to affirm to myself that I was still as smart as I thought I was, but the social side of it did not appeal to me at all. It would be wonderful to hang out with other people who are as smart and nice as me, but I don’t see it happening. I try to appreciate all the people in my life regardless of

It’s not the slang or neologisms that annoy me, it’s the incorrect usage of existing words and phrases, because I think the language is shrinking, and losing nuance as a result. Homonym confusion especially gets to me, for some reason. It’s not “free reign,” people. Nor is it “take a peak.”

I imagine Jon Stewart has quite a hairy back, judging by his hands.

My shorter friends tell me it’s a trial for them to feel physically insignificant at times, but the flip side is the longing for cuteness we tall ladies feel.

Kudos for correct use of hoi polloi. A ray of hope for this word nerd.

That’s actually my definition of “cool.” But the rest of the world seems to think cool is a secret code that only a few people have access to, so I’m forever uncool.

I’m pretty sure it’s “rein them in,” like with a horse. Homonyms are hard. I’m mourning the change in this metaphor, seems like it has now become irrevocably “reign” which doesn’t even make sense. Kids these days...

I learned about these on Jez and got some. They’re great! They pin up my curly shoulder length hair loosely, yet securely. Much better than a tight twist in back because it retains a nice volume in the pinned up hair. I don’t know if they’d work with thin straight hair though.

Bob Dylan’s Rolling Thunder tour kicked off with a small, unofficial and unadvertised concert in Plymouth. A friend saw a flyer for it and we got tickets. He came out wearing a Haloween mask (it was that time of year). My companions weren’t sure it was him but I knew him by his pointy boots somehow. Emmylou Harris was

I appreciate your attitude so much. Many people who don’t have kids have the most vehement opinions on every aspect of child rearing. This annoys me. If someone doesn’t want kids, fine, but at that point a person should acknowledge that they don’t know anything about the experience of being a parent.

I listened to McArthur Park when I was a young tadpole high on acid. Even in that state I knew it was bad, so bad that it went full circle and became enjoyable. Except, soooo long.

It's pastime, not past time. Sorry to pick on you but I see this a lot online and it doesn't even make sense to say past time. It's "an activity that someone does regularly for enjoyment rather than work," not some time in the past.

Thanks for this piece. I was excited to see it because I'm currently writing a fantasy story about a woman who was a human chimera and who became the mythic chimera when she died. I knew about the English woman but had not read about her in detail. I'm so glad to see in depth stories like this!

You weren't wrong, as corgi's original comment sounded as though the PTSD was caused by inconsiderate people taking pictures. The clarification made it clear, but you didn't know that when you made your comment.

I've been there, three times. Lovely place. Did you know Lenny Kravitz has a place there?

I live near you. I recommend the local UU churches. You'll meet people with good values and not much doctrine/dogma. Shop around to find one that's a good fit, and then participate. That's what I did when I decided to make more local friends. It worked, but took time. New Englanders are slow to warm up to strangers.

I liked Mortdecai, but then, I'm a huge fan of the books. I thought that the film captured some of the charm of the books, and Depp was OK in the lead role, although probably 500 British actors could have done it better. But without Depp, the movie wouldn't have been made.

That's some fiery stuff right there, funny, too.