
30 years ago I taught my kids the right names for genitals. My son promptly did what your daughter did: told the little girl next door that girls have vaginas and boys have penises. Not sorry, no regrets, in spite of the shock registered by said girl's parents.

I'm with you on not getting a lot of fashion that's happening now. I was young during the 70's, unfortunately, and even then I hated a lot of the styles - what a horrible decade for fashion. Give me the 40s, 50s, 20s, or historical costumes any day.

Yes. Took this at summer solstice this year. Not exactly pink and blue, but close.

When I was little, the combination of pink next to sky blue gave me shivers of delight. I thought it was the most beautiful thing in the world.

I think we should all take whatever pics we want and nobody else has a right to steal them. I also know some people are clever and terrible. I would not trust my private pics to Apple, Google, or any other cloud storage.

I'm always amazed at how good British actors are with accents. Dominic West and Hugh Laurie do fabulous American accents, and lots of British audio book readers do multiple accents and can switch between them in an instant. I think it's because accent = class over there, even more than it does here.

To be fair, pizza is the best medicine.

Good luck, we'll miss you!

I've always disliked him. You can see his mean and insecure nature in his smile. He's a big creep.

My only criticism of that video is that it spent too long on the humans. More cats!

I just finished the first book in the series, and it's quite homophobic and heavily focused on Jamie. He's actually the protagonist, as seen through Claire's eyes. Granted, she is bright and independent, but this is hardly a feminist work.

Just stopped by to say how much I enjoy Tara Jacoby's illustrations. Her work adds a lot of personality and wit to this site. It's great to see something other than stock images.

Tangled is a better movie, but Frozen is more influential / popular right now.

The sexy is entertaining, but it does seem to be a one trick pony with some of these female pop stars. All sexy all the time gets old, and IMO it's a cover up for distinct lack of talent in many cases.

It happened to me, and I was far from young at the time.

Used in Indian food. Pakoras!

Sorry, I didn't notice that.

They look well fed. Are these the actual ferals?

Yes, I like to avoid the aluminum. I live in a temperate climate and don't sweat all that much. When I do, it isn't smelly right away, so it doesn't bother me. I suppose it might make me look a bit wilted now and then, but I don't care. That's my take on it, anyway. I don't know if yo

His voice was trés sexy.