
Peyton Place was a TV series when I was a little girl. I was too small to watch it due to the racy content. It was the big "read it for the sexy parts" book of that era. It must have been a Really Big Deal because I remember it, and I remember knowing that Mia Farrow was a star of it. It's where she got her start.

I have a friend who has a French Canadian background and studied the history of this group. I suppose you wouldn't call them a race, but they are a minority group who suffered from prejudice and were forced into a diaspora.

He retched, which made him feel wretched, so he wretched?

With about 1/2 million employees, IBM probably has every type of person you can imagine on the payroll. Speaking from my own experience, my department has hired several just-out-of college women for highly responsible positions, and they are doing very well. The company has been a great place to work for me.

AdBlock takes care of all those ads. That man has performed a stellar public service.

Starred for spelling "cachet" correctly and using it in a sentence! And for the thought you expressed, of course.

I agree it's something that is great to do once or twice. My big insight: "Everything is interrelated!" Profound at the time.

She *lies* prostrate. Points for not saying *prostate* though. That would be weird.

Weird Al is the best. That is all.

Hi, I know it's way late (Sunday morning here) but I wanted to say, Yes, I have worked in a factory, many years ago, for six years total. The company makes silver flatware and holloware. It was not a great job.

I don't disagree with the article, except on the point that "lots of people live above their means so it's OK." I think it's a way to carve out a lot of unhappiness for yourself. I don't especially care if others, rich or poor, do it, but it's a bad decision to borrow for non-essentials aka "nice things."

Why do you take the escalator if you want to walk? Why not take the stairs? Is it a time saving thing? I can't remember ever being in that much of a hurry, but then, I have the metabolism of a sloth.

I agree that if a woman wants to be a ground combat marine, and if she can carry that 100-pound pack, she should have the opportunity. However, I'm also extremely glad that my two sons did not make that career decision. Someday I hope everybody realizes that we all have better things to do than make war.

That was me. I was so puzzled as a child by the cruelty and couldn't imagine doing that.

If you have online banking, you can set up an automatic transfer to savings that would lower your spendable cash during the school year. Over the summer you could use the savings as income. It takes a modicum of self-discipline not to dip into savings until summer, but you had enough to finish college and hold a

I love her, but I feel sorry for her feet in those pointy shoes.

Please please: reigns=what a king or queen does; reins=horse tack, which is what you wanted.

"Maroon" is also a racial slur. From Urban Dictionary:

One of my memories from Amsterdam is the ladies dressed in formal office attire biking to work. White wool coat and red heels stand out in my mind. And the woman balancing a huge bunch of flowers on the handlebars with a kid riding in back.

Yes, that's pretty much what I meant. Instant breakfast!