
I love MA !

I had a comment here, but decided to remove it. However, you can't actually remove a comment, only edit it, so here's a meaningless comment as I can't think of anything better right now on a half cup of coffee.

I did it in 1980 for my second child, after I realized that my body worked pretty well in the childbirth department. I had no epesiotomy and no tearing for either birth. For the first kid, it was because the doctor got there too late to do it and my child was delivered by nurses. For the second, there was a midwife

Not odd if you value privacy for its own sake. I prefer that strangers know as little about me as possible. If you google me name, you don't find much and I like it that way. Not everybody wants to be famous or even well known.

be-pantsuited lady-kings

That's me. As I age, I realize that the only things I'll have going for me from here on out are dignity, good grooming, and a decent sense of color.

I like Land's End quality (usually) and classic cuts, but the colors! Analine dyes to the max.

Thanks for the citation. May I suggest that you also place this up top with the image?

Cache = hiding place for supplies

I heard an interview with Dr. John where he explained how he adopted the Nite Tripper persona...essentially, he did it to adapt his traditional rhythm and blues music to the psychedelic era. And he did it so well! It's not the only time he had to adapt:

OMG I though I was the only one. Nobody I have mentioned this to (which is few people, I don't usually overshare) ever did this. Checking the link now, thanks!

What I don't understand is why women keep looking at these images if they make us feel bad about ourselves. Garbage in, garbage out. I'm looking at you, Jezebel.

This color, those bedazzled tights! Love.

But..but the language is evolving. Wordz mean what the speakers think they mean.

Somebody else said he was divorced. But we're all gray so nobody will see this fascinating discussion.

Yeah, Versailles it's not, but we like it. It's more demoratic.

You're probably right. But isn't it pretty much accepted for French presidents to have a discreet but well-known mistress? I just chuckle at how upset we Americans get about sex, compared to that attitude. And yet, not so very upset by gun murders, drone strikes, hungry children, etc.

The scandal is not that Hollande is cheating on his wife, it's that he's been cheating on both his wife and his mistress. It takes a lot to scandalize those Frenchies.

Thank you. I was wondering how radiation could promote bacterial growth - did not compute.

I have a crush on Alan.