
I would like to request an editorial policy against including transcripts of Trump. It hurts to read. It just hurts so bad.

So what you’re saying is that everybody should just... let it go?

I think it would be most dramatically appropriate for Jorah to get killed and turned, and for him to be the one brought back to show the Queens.

I feel like this could be a trend where young people just take objects they don’t understand or appreciate from the recent past and make them haunted. Future movie titles include:

Here’s Fleury in his new LV gear:


I heard it from Steve Rinella who is a pretty prominent figure in the hunting/fishing world (moreso in hunting). At least one of his brothers is a biologist and he is friends/colleagues with many many more who do legit studies on these things. I don’t know how they collect this data off of the top of my head but I

Cant wait:

TMZ got a hold of security footage of police attempting to apprehend the suspect.

Shadows of the Empire has gotten a bad rap, but I love that game.

Psh Squall Leonhart disagrees. As long as you properly accessorize with enough ridiculous fur trimmings, chains, zippers, and impractical weapons, no one will even notice!

I liked it, but I swear if I see even one breaching vagina this season I’m out.

Just a few comments from a fellow Mexican reader. Here in Mexico, is “common tradition” to think that dogs can see the death. I don’t now if this is true for other parts of the world. Also, Dante is a Xoloitzcuintl, who was perceived as company and guide for the death journey of the Aztecs Souls ( among other things).

Of course you’re right. I thought this was completely obvious, especially when you saw the look of anguish on her face when she saw that the pills would not give her the chance she needed. She’s looking for her “Leto Atreides vs. Barron Harkonnen” moment but she only has half a Dr. Yueh (sorry, non-Dune fans).

That’s a miserable hit from Sestito. But Enstrom sees him coming and turns his back. NHL guys do that so often. He can brace himself and take the hit in the shoulder if he was smart, but instead he does some crappy move to turn his back at the last second and put himself in a dangerous position.

My biggest guilty pleasure? Battle: Los Angeles. I love everything about this flick.