
Enter The Gungeon- Advanced Gungeons and Draguns update. Looks amazing and I’ve been waiting for more content for 7 months.

You are watching the wrong sport named football.

+1 for Meateater reference.

I am always a fan of Battle Los Angeles when I want some alien war movie without not much plot.

As an avid hunter and fisher even I think ESA needs some tweaking. The ESA has become a holding area where animals become listed and then after they recover are never removed from the list. The goal of the ESA should be to unlist the animals after a goal is met. Most times this gets trampled on in courts by interest

Each state game agency is in charge of how wild life species are managed in each state. They do everything from helping rebuild lost habitat to determining the number of hunting buck and doe tags available in that state. They use science and most agencies are headed by biologists.

First step, buy a hunting license and second buy a gun or ammo. Not sarcasm. Your states wildlife management fund (not ESA) is based on the number of hunting licenses sold in a state. That fund for the entire US comes from bow, arrow, crossbow, gun, ammo and recreational boat fuel (for the most part). If we want to

Look at the area we are talking about Montana, Idaho, and Wyoming. 3 different state agencies managing the same animal in three different states. 5 Bears in an area that is habitable for them in Idaho maybe 1 bear too many for the food sources and range to support.

Your video player sucks. Pay for Flowplayer or something.

Do not go look up the video of the bass eating the duck. Field and Stream posts it once a year and it has a kitten getting eaten by a bass. A lot of the other strikes in it are horrifying.

Mmmm Jerky.

1991 Honda Civic basic model

I was thinking this was more of a Soccer, Football, Football kind of thing. Also Harry Potter set in the 90's-00's maybe the language changed after WW2.

This is mostly related to antlers. In PA if you find a deer head with antlers attached you can buy it from the state for $10 a point. If you find antler sheds (no longer attached to skull) you can keep them for free. Just a way to deter poachers, but can cause a lot of headaches for shed hunters that don’t know the

Why is no one talking about how messed up that poster is? Her neck looks oddly bent and too skinny for her head and shoulders look way to small.

Umm no, as much as Pubg has issues with server lag and hit detection i’ll take it over hit scan with no bullet drop any day.

I think the other plot element going on here is that all of the Valeryian steel is now at Winterfell. Sam, Bri, Jon, Jamie, Arya, and (my guess) Gendry’s hammer.

Really we are still going on about this?! It was covered by like 400 comments in another post.

The real deciding factor is which server are you playing? NA or gtfo.

That’s what the local bar is for, meet the neighbors. Even in the city here I know the happy hour crowed at 2 bars.