
Enter The Gungeon- Advanced Gungeons and Draguns update. Looks amazing and I’ve been waiting for more content for 7 months.

You are watching the wrong sport named football.

Your video player sucks. Pay for Flowplayer or something.

1991 Honda Civic basic model

This is mostly related to antlers. In PA if you find a deer head with antlers attached you can buy it from the state for $10 a point. If you find antler sheds (no longer attached to skull) you can keep them for free. Just a way to deter poachers, but can cause a lot of headaches for shed hunters that don’t know the

Umm no, as much as Pubg has issues with server lag and hit detection i’ll take it over hit scan with no bullet drop any day.

The real deciding factor is which server are you playing? NA or gtfo.

That’s what the local bar is for, meet the neighbors. Even in the city here I know the happy hour crowed at 2 bars.

So here is the gist of it. As someone else mentioned, their is an adrenaline rush that can kill them as they come down from it. Fish have a coating of slime on their scales. Picking a fish up out of the water and touching their sides removes that protective layer and can contribute to death. Pulling the fish out of

Now playing

Pens local coverage was much better of the hit. Enstrom clearly looks over and sees Sestito coming and turns his back on the guy. When would you turn your back when someone is about to level you?

They also have a gun shaped like a shotgun shell that shoots shotguns that shoot shotgun shells.

You missed a gun shaped like a shotgun shell that shoots shotguns that shoot shotgun shells. (they went full meta on this release)

They tweaked the key drops for the better so key management isn’t the entire focus of a run, ammo management still is concerning. Another trick is to defeat the boss before opening any chests or buying guns. That will force a gun from the boss guaranteed. Another trick is to not pickup the keys as they drop, go back

It looks like NBC had a hand in picking the teams.. “Blackhawks, Blackhawks, Blackhawks, Blackhawks!”

As a soccer player I could not deal with that. we already have those stupid high socks I don’t need anything else around my foot to make it sweat more. I never had a problem rolling my ankle making quick cuts or losing my grip on the field.

That’s a good way to miss and have a ricochet hit someone/something else. Their is a reason cops and soldiers are trained to shoot center mass.

Too bad New York’s laws only benefit the criminal. No mace, knives, or concealed carry to defend yourself when something unthinkable happens. However the criminal gets to enjoy those things and plan how and when he wants to use them.

You can watch this nature cam here: http://explore.org/live-cams/play… .. Mostly it is just salmon jumping the falls, but if you time it right I have seen 8 adult bears feeding.