
Kind of weird that to the typical Republican leaning voter, the non-fatal side effects of the vaccine outweighs the side effect of death from COVID. Education is severely lacking in this country.

Perfect metaphor that change of icon. Rolling back all the changes that made Reddit the platform it was today.

Feels like that letter he penned back then was a plea so that his own start up could play catch up.

A24 has been putting out a lot of bangers. Look forward to this.

My parents had a huge aversion to credit cards. It was only after discussing finances with a close friend that I got into credit card churning. Biggest lesson was to never get close to the card limit, only spend what I knew I could afford to pay off on a monthly basis (never carry a balance month to month), and use a

Longroof must enjoy the taste of the bottom of boots

Two takeaways from this:

Oh get off your high horse and screw your conscience and “moral high ground.” We don’t need your wasted vote this election and equating the two parties is part of the problem we have today. If you can’t see that the Repugnican party is actively dismantling our democracy, I have a bridge to sell you

A repugnican in Democrat’s clothing. She’s fooling no one.

If our health system becomes anything like the US, we are all royal fucked.

Sounds like something Jesus would do. Screw the LGBTQ and non-believers. Let’s create an insular society. Oh wait, isn’t that what the Pharisees did?

Thank you Trump for shutting the government! Thanks to your concerns about border security down south, which is such a big deal, our airlines are getting so much safer with TSA agents so motivated by the government shut down that they take sick leave. /s