
Yeah and this definitely explains why Trump keeps saying the call was “perfect” because the super secret plan was to never explicitly say this is quid pro quo, so Trump thinks he completely nailed it. It seemed like such weird way to describe a phone call until now. 

Man, these anti-vaxxers sure do love trying to expose other people to diseases. 

Yeah, this is not giving me a ton of confidence that this police department is actually going to find the perpetrator. 

Yeah, I’m guessing that the “birth control” being offered by a lot of these clinics is abstinence. 

It’s okay, the local morons are still convinced that this team can get back into the playoff hunt and that John Elway is still the right man for the job.

Yeah, I’m not saying it’s right, I’m just saying it’s the reality I deal with everyday. 

I think that technically this is a fly-by not a flyover. I just feel bad for anyone in those buildings who was about to drink some coffee. 

I’m pretty certain a human driver would have noticed the reverse lamps on (watch second video) and noticed the Lexus backing up, and stopped, because in parking lots this kind of thing happens all the time, and just because you have the right-of-way, it doesn’t mean you just barrel on through.”

Joaquin is the beardy one“

Unqualified children of powerful people getting cushy gigs on the backs of their parents isn’t exactly news. There are no qualifications for board positions they are well known to be positions that the wealthy give to their friends and those people who you might want a favor from someday. If Joe Biden did something

Sorry, the big negatives are that a corrupt prosecutor got fired (why is this presented as a bad thing?) and Joe’s brother may have mentioned Joe in a meeting? I’m no Biden supporter but I’m having a hard time seeing how all of this is so bad for Joe. 


There is only one answer to this question: tank. Nothing inspires innovation like a tank, just aim it at the right person and you’ll have your fuel source in no time. 

That’s only because you are not used to human biology, Dr. Zoidberg. Why can’t it be both?

Please remove the link to that trash article from the Daily Mail. The header image alone is objectionable but it also cites “experts” who compare this to someone selecting their own race. I stopped reading at this: “The ONS said it was advised by a number of transgender lobby groups in devising this question on gender

I dug through my trash, all I found was bad decisions and regret. 

Felicity Huffman is Going to Jail”

responded by calling O’Rourke ‘a child.‘“

It’s actually a cleverly designed reverse lottery for campaign funding. These families will be forced to contribute to the Yang family once they are chosen.

Except the headline read “Lawsuit: Antonio Brown Raped Former Trainer” so clearly it stated the allegation made in the lawsuit and was not concluding the truth of anything. I mean, it’s embedded in this article, at least try harder with the bad faith arguments.