
A lot of those dumb guy characters from those shows are simply unique choices for a certain character but other male characters in the show are not portrayed as stupid. For example, the very first one is Brooklyn Nine-Nine where the main character is not so much dumb as he is an immature goofball but the Terry

I saw guys do this at the lunch table in middle school and high school, now that wasn’t art in any sense of the word, but the general idea of fingering fruit has been around for far longer than this artist.

I can only think of a single show that I watch (Catastrophe) that portrays a dad as an idiot but the mom is also portrayed as an idiot, each in their own way. Maybe try different shows or books if you are only seeing those representations, there’s a lot of good content out there that you would probably prefer over

I may be the only parent in the world who really doesn’t mind this song but you are spot on with using the melody for other things. “Gooo to sleep, do do do do do do” is a good one for my kid, but I find myself doing it when I am annoyed and it’s honestly very soothing. When I have to listen to a client complaining

But the Halloween one is better than the original! Disco sharks is just a straight rip off of a song from the Lego movie but the weirdest one is orchestra sharks, by far. My daughter loves Monkey Banana more than Baby Shark now, you do not want to introduce your child to Monkey Banana. It is the same song, with

I’ll get right on that.

Also, I love how the Republic Party rambles on about “identity politics” as if their whole party hasn’t spent the last four or five decades increasingly catering the most homogenous group of Americans possible. “It’s not identity politics when it’s about old white men,” is a hell of a drug. 

Oh they are way ahead of you:

I don’t have much faith in Biden to do anything but the fact that so many nominees, including one as firmly in the center as Biden, are rolling out climate change plans makes me hope that something will happen because voters are starting to take this seriously. I mean, make jokes all you want, but I don’t find a lot

That was the first thing I noticed, she voluntarily chose to be a Becky. I wonder if it’s a middle name.

I don’t care where someone gets their ideas for fighting climate change (and it’s a stat, not a response anyway but good ideas can come from anywhere). I only care that action is going to be taken, which is why I don’t give a shit that Biden’s team copied some stats without attribution.

Filed to: Who gives a shit

That’s fair, to me it just comes off as too snarky for me to see any real appreciation there but I could definitely be wrong.

Am I reading a certain tone into his tweet or is Bob acting like a father supporting their child after coming out is lame? Weird position to take, but okay.

16% of Millennials would take a 10% pay cut so they could take a lunch break every day, which is double the percentage of Gen X workers

Only 20%? That’s the expected average for a tip, so you’re basically being a cheapskate. I like to show them how truly appreciated they are by taking at least enough for a 25% tip out of the jar when they aren’t looking then giving them the 25% tip when they turn back around.

I would think it’s for the rest of the year when it isn’t as hot outside. 

Of course that’s better, but not so great on cloudy days.

This is kind of what I do, I never tip when the barista isn’t looking because that’s when I pull a couple bills out of the tip jar. Then when they look I stuff it all back in and look like a hero. It’s much cheaper this way, not sure why everyone doesn’t do this.