
nor had been a part of groups or activities since college that are “racially insensitive or offensive.”

No, because they don’t have the thumbs to milk their nipples. Of course not. But if they did, do you know what a dog would be doing every fucking day?

Oh yeah, that’s the good shit. While we are just making stuff up, will Bernie cure cancer in his first or second term? Also, when does he plan to establish colonies on the moon?

Well that answers my question. That’s some astoundingly thin skin you’ve got there.

“But their willingness to support it on the record is a marked departure from 2016, when Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton declined to support reparations, as did Sen. Bernie Sanders

Did you dismiss my comment because you thought it made you look dumb?

Uttech a big game, but you never really know how you’d react until it’s your daughter who has the award winning ta-tas.

Do you think there are restrictions on who can start or run a Super PAC?


So Nixon already did it, but Obama is definitely the one who is setting a bad precedent? Riiight. And Trump has so clearly followed all the traditions of the presidency so he wouldn’t have done anything like this either without Obama doing it first huh?

Lately Burger King seems determined to take on its fellow fast-food giants, rather than just focusing on the merits of its own food.

Yeah but that is mostly sweets. I found an ingredient list for the ham and cheese version and only the cookies have corn syrup. I guess it just seemed to weird to me to go straight to corn syrup for this type of food.

When the cop picked up the Lunchables and asked the guys if they still eat those things, the two guys probably shouldn’t have said, “Oh yeah, those things are like crack.”

trays of luncheon meat, crackers, and corn syrup

If a magistrate set a bail amount, the judge shouldn’t be ordering to keep her in jail when he has only partial information. Making a ruling without any facts while countermanding a decision made by someone who does just screams judicial incompetence to me.

Missile thread attacks are no joke.

I like that they put him close enough to be sure he would be in every shot but not close enough to make Donny uncomfortable.

From now on I am replacing the phrase “explain it to me like I’m five” with “explain it to me like I’m a Fox News host.” That way people who have been around 5-year olds know to dumb it down a little bit.

It is between 5PM and 1PM though, that’s what they are talking about.