
I’m in CO. Gun shops cannot sell functional 30 round magazines, but get around it with kits or telling people how to remove the limiters, it’s a joke. I’m guessing CA has a stricter set of laws and more oversight in place. This article exposed how easy it was to get around the law and nothing has changed since then.

One doesn’t work without the other, he said, so arguing that “magazine” and “gun” are two different things is like arguing a car isn’t a car without its wheels.

This means that you CAN NOT get a magazine with a higher capacity than what the law says shipped into the state. You can’t even get parts for one shipped into the state. So if you had one from before the ban and it breaks, you’re SOL.

Some might call those “contributions” just the cost of doing business. They paid taxes, ordered from suppliers, and paid their workers, that’s it, don’t act like they gifted $100 billion to Canada. They made a shitload more in profits from consumers in Canada than those “contributions” amount to.

Look if there was really a problem, we know for a fact that the manager would know because Soulja Boy tell ‘em.

Grey shirt guy was a little too eager to hop out on that track and I’m guessing he needed new pants after that.

I hate it when my dog catches me off guard with that surprise kiss. 

Hey now, his last resort is suing them, then he’s out of ideas.

You want four tweets and more than two sentences?! Let’s not go crazy here.

Sure, Jan.

Now playing

So stating a fact, that Trump and the Republican controlled Congress would never allow legislation for a universal minimum wage to pass, is equal to saying “fuck the poor.” Yikes, I hope you don’t hurt yourself with that reach. We can build the political will while acknowledging that it’s not possible at this time. It

You’re already willing to say fuck the poor

Right, I’d love to get a living wage for everyone, but it’s not politically possible right now at the federal level. Why not make some improvements that are currently possible while working towards making a living wage, single payer healthcare, etc. politically viable? The House can push through as many pie-in-the-sky

None of the people in my example are even close to upper middle class and they all would have been helped by this. Jesus Christ you people, I never said that this is some amazing piece of legislation or even that it helped the working poor. I was responding to the author’s “lol who is this even for” comment. TAKE A

Aww, poor Bobby Hurtey. Widdle Bobby Hurtey get mad!

It’s almost like a guy who has only interacted with well-paid yes men for decades can’t quite come to terms with having to deal with people who aren’t sucking off the company teat. Yeah, never seen this before.

Na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na,

Yeah I know I’m just killing the last hour of work here so I don’t mind letting him type in circles for a bit.

Sure, but it also expands what Coverdell funds can be used for, so people with existing Coverdell ESAs may now be able to use them for more applicable education than before. I mean, it’s not a hugely important piece of legislation, but I was primarily annoyed at the author for being so dismissive and ignoring the

The information on your phone and the information in your phone records is not the same.