Dan kelleher

Hey, quit trying to cover up Dominic Cooper's COMMANDING performance in Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter.

I don't really think it's "as a guy." You yourself don't see it that way, which is fine. But it's not your gender that's determining that. Like I mentioned in my post, many men I know do indeed feel the way I do. So I'm not convinced it's that.

Anyway, for me that doesn't ring true but I respect your opinion.

Bought Halo 3: ODST, Rage Anachy Edition, Far Cry 2, F.E.A.R., Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 4, Medal Of Honor Limited Edition and Battlefield: Bad Company at GS yesterday for $46.

LOL. Sad but true for the 360 anyways, here's to hoping this isn't the case for XBO.

In XCOM it feels like you are commander of troops that are not only Redshirts, but also Stormtroopers... What a combo. :p

Except it does make sense. There are more than enough differences between JRPGs and WRPGs to count them as separate genres.

Its pretty awesome- like a mixture of batman and spartan total warrior. Its also the best looking game i think i have ever seen, certainly a step up over anything from the last generation. Its ridiculously macho and gory as hell. I'm really enjoying it and the combat is deep enough to be easy to get by with but

...I promise never to pull on my things by their charging cables ever again. Just... just put it down.

What the...what?

Who the funky fresh puts an outlet that high?

I feel physical pain from looking at this.

Same here. I also massively enjoy it when the local news screws up (which seems to happen on a weekly basis). Lol.

Every fucking article. "Eeeehh Kotaku hates Xbox" , "Eeeehhh Kotaku Hates Nintendo" "Eeeeeeeeehh Kotaku hate Sony" . God damn it gets tiresome.

I love watching technology fail in massive public demonstrations.

If you're a real person you should be ashamed of yourself.

He explains in detail what he finds to be unique about it in the review...

If you read the full review, you'll hear Stephen explain this in depth

From reading the review, it seems to me like this got a yes because it was trying something new and different, and for the most part delivered on that. Killzone is just another FPS that doesn't seem to do much if anything unique to the genre short of look really damn good.

That was nice of you... pffft nerd

I downloaded the lego racers recently, and yeah, they're still amazing. I had really hope that the Lego game for WiiU would be similar, seeing as it was free from any license, sadly though it was more of the same.

The OG PS2 was beautiful.