Remember Brink.
Remember Brink.
brace yourself for disappointment, dawg.
I should also mention that "Titus Lunter" is now on my list of "awesome XCOM soldier names"
Made by Firaxis? Don't ask questions, just buy it. You know it'll be good! o/
Thank you so much for featuring this! It means a lot. <3
I'm gonna use mine to call Merryweather hit squads on a entire game lobby of people, then sit back in my apartment and watch it all go down on the news.
This is the first GTA (as a series-long fan) where I've felt a need to even attempt ridiculous stunts. The terrain just screams "do something stupid using me!". I don't know how many times I've intentionally failed a mission because a jump or opportunity for hilarity was too tempting to ignore, and I'm still pretty…
These are just stylized logos and marketing, not the official names of the game. It's what looks good in a logo or poster. It's fucking stylization.
I wish I could give you negative votes.
Wouldn't that be Mjolnerf?
Mew mew? What's mew mew?
There is, but I don't feel like taking my credit card out to buy it from Zynga.
Uh, I'm a weird completionist and I traversed every map and world I could find early in the game. Along the way I found this bandit hideout where they attacked me and I killed them all, and I found "Urdnot Family Armor" and when I saw Wrex again he's all: "Whoa, cool Shepard." And then I didn't have to kill Wrex.
Just because there are shows that are worse (e.g. anything with "Tyler Perry's" leading the title) doesn't make this any less bad. Its embarrassing how unfunny it is 90% of the time.
That's EXACTLY why it works over The Big Bang Theory.
There's no bandwagoning going on. It's always been horrendous.
I didn't think that scene was that bad at the end. What would have made it worse is if you walked up on the shop keeper already killed and then they showed that scene at the end for what really happened. Switching character perspectives helped in that scene.
I assume you mean in the typewriter shop? I seem to recall that one scene switched characters so that you didn't see what really happened. I thought it was brilliant.
So if it's "monthly" like walking dead, what you're saying is we'll get one episode every three months or so. Lol