Dan kelleher

Not sure about your local theater but in SoCal you can’t see a movie for less than $13 a person on a good day. $30 for two people isn’t terrible.

For what it’s worth, Halo 5 moved away from any kind of class-based multiplayer (at least, from what I can remember) so I think that’s a lesson they’ve already learned.

I think the only reason we’re all convinced this movie is happening is it’s basically already completed. It’s done! They basically just have to release it.

Ah yes, let’s just call “emotional and psychological abuse” “being a bad partner.” Let’s ignore all the weird signs in his treatment of women in media, his refusal to learn from justifiable criticism, and now-repeated complaints against working environments he’s created while we’re at it.

Someone asked “Didnt his ex or something accuse him of abuse?” All I did was drop the link to what she said. Chill.

My money’s on Whedon being verbally abusive. Probably had a hair trigger and yelled at everyone. The sort of thing older folks will roll their eyes at and tell people they need to grow a tougher skin to handle, but fuck that, managers need to develop emotional intelligence skills and learn how to handle stress better.

All the people who time-traveled to all the seasons will have to see this new content with the rest of us since it literally wasn’t in the game yet. Nice try guys :D

I’m assuming this update doesn’t fix some of the text flows. Ever click on the wrong thing with Blathers and be stuck with 5+ prompts until you can try

TLoU2 seems to have just doubled down on that feeling

Honestly, I’m feeling games like this more than depressing romps like TLoU2 these days. Looking forward to it.

They said “full sized Spider-Man game” in the event. Whether they updated the engine a bunch or just reused tech and assets this is a full game.

ah, shit, I didn’t watch until the ending haha.

It said Holiday 2020. That’s CRAZY. Seems like it might be an Uncharted: Lost Legacy-esque title that basically just builds off of the foundation of the prior game.

I see you also are a man of culture and decided on having an “every type of toilet” room.

Don’t feel bad - I have my house exactly the way I want it but I keep getting a B rating with hints like “all your furniture should be the same color” - No damnit, I like the way my house looks, stop judging me. . Who are you? How did you even get in?

The thing is, the guys demanding the Snyder cut LOVE MoS and BvS as if they were mana from heaven. I have seen too many people to count that follow Snyder say without a hint of sarcasm that his version of Superman in MoS is exactly the version they’ve wanted their entire lives. That he understood the character better

Well, here is Pattinson’s actual quote:

Christopher Nolan definitely has had trouble creating nuanced roles for POC and women... but I had to do a spit-take when I read “that even directors as bro as... Zack Snyder don’t share.”

But look, if you want to get people back to theatres with something it should definitely be the Snyder Cut of JusticHAHAHAHAHHAHAH.

It seems to me that the most important rule for Mario Party was skipped.

I unapologetically love The Last Jedi as one of my top three Star Wars films for a lot of the reasons you listed why. Good article.