Dan J

Why would you rank board games if you’ve barely played any modern board games? It’s not like modern board games are an under-the-radar trend

Where is the part where you explain what they said was incorrect?

Damn, where do you live that you only know horrible white people?

I understand where you are coming from, but I think you are ceding ground that shouldn’t be ceded. There’s no reason you should have to have a thick skin when it comes to online gaming. The majority of us don’t want to be or listen to other people be verbally harassed, even when it doesn’t involve slurs or some sort

It is in Disneyland toontown

Luckily I’m shielded by not being an idiot

“Late capitalism.” “Aggressive exploitive economics.” Y’all never heard of a snake oil salesman before?

Paging Kara Brown for a shade court ruling

Was Red Sonja purposefully excluded?

This is a well-written and important article. It also does not belong on Gizmodo. There are a lot of good and important causes that just don’t fall under the purview of Gizmodo

Palestinians have full citizenship rights in Palestine. They are just not permitted to freely enter Israel. This is understandably frustrating due to the oppression of women and LGQBTs in Palestine. But unfortunately the leadership in Palestine has been unable to quash violent extremists in Palestine, who in the

The CATO Institute submitted an amicus brief to the Supreme Court harshly criticizing the criminalization of homosexuality and was cited in the decision overturning the law in Lawrence v. Texas. The CATO Institute is not “ultraconservative,” it is libertarian. While you may disagree with libertarians as much as you