
Of course Katy Perry could have also read a book. I guess we should be happy her mother didn’t have am abortion?

You mean the confirmed liar and imposter Shaun King?

Ok I have to see that.

But I bet both of you vote for Democrats.

She missed her best bet to ward off mosquitos when she was at the lake. The trick is to rub mud all over herself and her dog. The mosquitos will leave them alone.

But “she” is male. Your gender is determined by your DNA, not your opinion.

Or maybe she just needs some evidence? Where is there any evidence that anything Kesha says happened actually happened? Do you really believe that people don’t lie in court?

So you have evidence against him? Have you notified the police?

She is only offended by sexually harassing comments made by people of whom she doesn’t approve. Everyone else is allowed to be as crude and offensive as they wish.

How about we stop signing up so that you or your children get drafted. Think you’ll care then?

So you see no difference in dragging a 280 lb male presumably dressed in swimming trunks or other light clothing out of water and a short distance onto land and trying to drag 280 lbs in full battle rattle along rough terrain and up hills while getting shot at? Right.

I’ll tell you they were surprised in Iraq and Afghanistan by the number of women who cried and hid when we were under fire.

And of course they will do all the heavy lifting, right? Having been a combat, or division MP in the Army for 11 years of active duty and having served 2 tours each in Afghanistan and Iraq, I can tell you that women cannot do everything that men can do.

The kid is trying to become her own person. Let her. That old saying if you love something let it go? It’s true. The girl is probably overwhelmed with her first few months of scool, living away from parents, unaccustomed freedom and responsibilities, and having to make all those decisions. If they had a good

The bigger question is why did they expose their baby to possibly being blown up by the bombs they were making a few feet from where she slept.

Might have something to do with the fact that her grandmother was living in a bomb making factory and claims to not know what was going on?

But since the sister is involved with a terrorist group it may not be a good idea.

At some point she will learn to read and will discover the truth even if the other kids don’t tell her first. It’s unrealistic to think she won’t find out.

They are dead terrorists. They murdered 14 people and shot 21. BTW, it’s “their” not “there.”

I wouldn’t want him educating my children, either. I expect teachers to know the difference between “effect” and “affect,” and “there,” “they’re,” and “their,” and to be able to use them properly in a sentence.