No, he is not a woman. He was born with a Y chromosome. That makes him male. He cannot change his DNA or chromosomes by thinking or declaring he is female.
No, he is not a woman. He was born with a Y chromosome. That makes him male. He cannot change his DNA or chromosomes by thinking or declaring he is female.
They aren’t trying to shut it down. They are trying to prevent giving federal funding to PP. Some people object to taxpayers paying to kill babies.
Just because she can get 40 years doesn’t mean she will. All offenses have a range of punishment. That means that’s what she can be sentenced to. It doesn’t mean that’s what she will be sentenced to.
She needs a mental exam to find out why she wants to have sex with a tot in diapers
Who is taking care of poor Snoopy?
Stalking requires a pattern of conduct over time. What she did does not constitute stalking.
She was not “sexually assaulted” by being filmed in public. Every store she enters is filming her. Red light cameras and speed cameras are filming her. Every public building she enters is filming her. Bank cameras film her as she walks by. Are they all assaulting her too?
Filming a fully clothed child in public is not child pornography.
There’s no legal ramification anyway. He didn’t do anything illegal. Creepy and disgusting, but not illegal. I bet after that experience, he will think twice before doing it again. Way to go!
Guess she should have stayed in Mexico then, eh?
Both California and New York have allowed illegals to become lawyers. Is that one of the jobs Americans won’t do?
No there is not plenty of room. There are 7 billion people on the planet. Millions and millions want to come here. Most are poor, uneducated, and have no job skills. There are around 93 million Americans that don’t have jobs. How do you think that the millions that want to come here are going to support themselves?…
Why? She committed a crime. You show up and use a fake ID and a fake SSN and you too will be arrested. HIPAA covers the disclosure of medical information. It doesn’t cover someone walking into a doctor’s office and presenting fake documents. By your logic, someone that made an appointment then walked in and robbed…
If you used a fake ID, you would be arrested. It’s a felony in Texas. So are you saying that someone here illegally should get a pass for committing a felony while an American citizen should be arrested? Do you understand that when an illegal steals another person’s id, it causes harm to the victim? She wasn’t…