
Yes. A lot of women on Jezebel, though their hearts are in the right place, seem to feel that feminism is about rejecting everything that women before them have enjoyed. I'd say it's about having a choice in the matter. That's why there's so much anti-baby & anti-marriage stuff on this site. I <3 Jezzies, but

Well, with a vintage ring it's not an issue. With a new ring, a lot of couples get a smaller stone & then "upgrade" on a later anniversary. I think that's completely cool, since I would rather an awesome vacation than a giant stone when affordability is an issue. Esp. for younger married couples, who likely don't have

Fuck this noise. I want a shiny awesome ring. Why? Because I do. I like jewelry, I own very little of it that's really nice, and this thing will have to stand up to daily wear for the rest of my life. So, yeah.

Yeah, I was totally being sarcastic. It's these crazy protestants, I think. Even in Catholicism, women are supposed to enjoy sex (with their husbands only, of course). Not sure if they're still against masturbation, though...I'm not Christian either, so I just don't know.

I guess if I got satisfactorily laid more, I would (maybe) masturbate less. Does that count as a cure?

HA, THIS is exactly what I was thinking. Like, maybe a bachelorette party of one.

You better not...even in a locked room, if you're drunk, you are obviously asking for it. If you get raped in there, it will be YOUR OWN FAULT.

I really, really wish Tara would get killed. Somehow, someway, she HAS TO DIE.

THIS. Seriously, what the heck???

Having just been attacked by a neighbor's dog (who had no rabies vaccination), I actually know this! You have to be vaccinated w/in 48 hours. Longer than that & it's not effective. Once you develop symptoms there IS a treatment, but it only works on about 3% of people. The other 97% die horribly.

Love these books. Actually picked the first one out b/c I had a boring class in college & I looked for a series with a LOT of books that would keep me occupied for the entire semester. BOY DID THEY...for the semester and beyond, lol!

Wait a second...first I'm forced to agree with the freaking KKK against that retarded Westboro Baptist Church. Now you're making me like something to do with Larry King & David Hasselhoff? Have I passed into the Twilight Zone?!

I don't believe in Hell, but people like Warren Jeffs make me hope it exists.

If he was, it would involve feet.

The women I saw on the side of the road all over Europe did not look happy at all. I always felt so terrible for them. When it was cold out & they were standing in skimpy clothes, I wanted to buy them a hot meal, or something, but since I did NOT want to be robbed, I just drove on by. :(

I lived in Italy for several years, and have visited both Spain & Romania. THESE WOMEN ARE MORE LIKELY THAN NOT PROSTITUTES. That's what they do there, sit/stand around on the side of the highway, waiting for business. Women who aren't prostitutes DON'T do that over there, because that's where all the prostitutes are

You know...where I live (in the south) an evening in the summer (ie, summer's eve) is generally a hot, sticky, sweaty time. NOT fresh, clean, or florally scented. Is that what they're trying to pitch? Like, you'll have a mosquito infested, swampy vag if you use our product? I'm just wondering.

They really need to do an intro that says: "this episode was inspired by real life events that were inspired by another episode of this show."

So you know they WILL use this story for an episode, right?

So, I was raped in college. And this guy's friends did the SAME THING. They would plead with me to drop the charges. I got harassing phone calls CONSTANTLY. My roommate had a thing for him, so she moved out (but stayed in the same apt. complex) & just talked about me behind my back, told everyone I was a slut. She