Danimalk - Drives a Slow Car Fast

I was going to watch it, but instead was shown a terribly long, unskipable toothpaste ad.


ilectricity is actually the more expensive, more pretentious version of electricity.

What’s that?? I can’t hear you over your plethora of bland German products and phoney performance brands. The German fanboy is stifling under his forever outdated 3-cylinder super car and photocopier styling. Please oh please superior Germans brands, we need another fwd based grandma-mobile. Oh and make sure it’s

Just trolling a troll who seems butt hurt about his German brands have turned into slow, heavy, ugly, overly complex, over-priced land barges.

Classic German fanboy spouting the word of the troll.

Sure, just like every expensive sports car club, because that’s who can afford them.

And the average BMW owner is also an old man. You’re not making the point you think you are.  

I saw someone driving one today without white hair. Every Vette owner I know tracks their car and every BMW driver I know is a senior citizen, so I’m just laughing at your picking and choosing which tired stereotypes are true or not.

That’s a lot of words to say, “I have no real facts, but my personal opinion is right.”

Does the Miata compete against the Z4?

“driven badly by 70 year-old men tryna holla at 45 year-old women with boob jobs”

Why no turbos??


“ What is anybody really getting out of that extra 355 HP other than gaining miles per hour...? Where’s the thrill?” 

A working theory of mine. Awhile ago we saw this pic of the mid-engine car testing with what we thought was the prototype C7 ZR1...

I’ve been debating this for awhile as well. Awhile ago, there we spy shots of the mid-engine car testing with what we assumed was the prototype C7 ZR1...

While not the greatest apples:apples example, the 488 is an aluminum chassis as well. Goes for $250,000+

Well there’s a lot of speculation and personal takes in there, but I also still question if there will be 2 cars. (Where is the front engine C8 test mule, for example??)