Danimalk - Drives a Slow Car Fast

As cool as that would be, I think they should focus on their fancy GT car winning a championship first...

Starred for Gene and Jude’s shout out. ( though it’s technically not in Chicago)

At first I was like, no way that’s a Bobs Burgers reference...

KINDA mean spirited????? 

The rain guards on the windows really tie it together.

...and both would lose to a three-pedal Camaro on a racetrack.

Do you think you could fit well enough to own one? Daily drive even?

This is good research, thank you for sharing. At 6'3" this is a little heartbreaking.

I had these :)

Oh, you bet your ass I still have it! It’s at my parents and broke long, long ago, but I know exactly what shelf it’s on.

My Countach love started as a wee lad racing this bad boy around my parent’s garage. I could drift it, h-turn it and figure 8 that thing like a hero.

A... yaaaawwn... Turbo V6 version is more likely.

They were all super clean. There were 2 308s!

I’m at Meadowdale raceway checking out a car show on the old front straight.

That center console screen is making me nervous, Dave...

Lol at the tiki torches.

For comparison, in 2013 when the Fiesta sold its best 71,000 the Sonic sold 85,000 (but the Sonic actually peaked in 2014 with 93,000)

They’ll probably still call it a coupe somehow

I guess? The symanitics of who’s paid to say what and who is reacting genuinely isn’t what bothers me.

Either way they are trying to appeal to the same thing in people.