You're not an enthusiast if your mind is so narrow.
You're not an enthusiast if your mind is so narrow.
I have driven both. (in the same day in fact.)
Nice beetle.
Honda's got to get it's turbo tech from somewhere, they have a Formula 1 contract to fill!
The rear looks like a smooshed crossover. Lame.
Almost positive this is an option. Body color, Glass, or exposed carbon fiber (The C6 had the same options depending on trim level.)
It is possible to have negative acceleration.
Anyone else find it interesting that the new Continental GT engine is also a twin-turbo 4.0 v8?
Don't forget the V8 part of that equation.
Actually the term 'gay' has a specific definition already, making it difficult to define it how ever you want, like you seem to be doing (and not very well I might add.)
Oh ok, so you think it's girly and ladylike, but then link to a review the says the opposite of your point of view???
Another glowing review! You're right, it's a great car. Thanks for the link to further prove it! Can't wait to buy one!
Oh my God.
That is sweet!
I totally see what your saying, but I just can't see the people who would buy a $49k Vette passing on a $51k Vette.