Daniel Virden

Matt doesn't even have to say yes! They could show Claire freaking out and getting voicemail and being pissed about it. He could respond and be too mopey about losing all his friends! Anything!

He is, but he's also got a sense of humor (sometimes). Here he is exercising it.

tbh I feel like Trump would just thank them for the terrific homage

Until you're randomly selected, of course.

I'm assuming looking for Odin is where we'll start, and then he'll stumble into some trouble, get his hammer bashed, etc, from there.

The rest of us will think it's a Dexter's Lab reference.

I felt Danny's revelation that he didn't totally believe in the Hand was an interesting one. I expected them to reveal he's only come to New York to beat them up, but the fact that he didn't even know they were real—despite living in a magical kingdom—was actually interesting to me, and gives an excuse for Danny being

@NerdInTheBasement:disqus Kyle died an episode or two ago!

I actually really like L/C/MP. I like Ariana Grande too, but her voice and style would be severely jarring if I actually watched this movie. I listened to the song on Spotify and it just sounds exactly like that tacky 90's overdramatization of the love song at the end of all the old Disney musicals. Meh.

I totally laughed at Romney in 2012, and in the years since have regretted it. Still glad I voted Obama, but I can't confidently say things are better for it.

You know, I wouldn't mind if Fox gave up on any continuity whatsoever and just told great stories about our faves. Not looking forward to Remy Tatum though…

I'm wondering if Cable will come from Logan's apocalyptic future, Days of Future Past's apocalyptic future, or a new, Deadpool-branded apocalyptic future.

Congratulations! You've just aligned yourself with Neil Gaiman's preferred excuse for Marvel characters in the wrong timeline.

You're so right! I definitely would have tried and miserably failed to "lay low."

We've always said Trump's a showman, Noah is just identifying the elements of that showmanship that align with his own field.

You guys… are we ever gonna free Bismuth from Gem Jail? All the other gems are bubbled because they're corrupted, but she's just bubbled cuz she tried to kill Steven (like, say, Peridot and Lapis, in their time). If the whole team got together, they could totally wrestle her into at least seeing that she needs to stop

That's GOTTA be it, right?

I should get that cycle tattooed on my body

I'm mostly okay with it, but I do wish I'd thought to hide the entire thread when I saw there was a spoiler block

I definitely feel passionately about my favorite ships, but I don't think I'd call myself a 'real' shipper. Is this some kind of reverse-Scotsman?