Daniel Virden

No, that's a distinctly evangelical look. Actually, it looks like he's upgraded to "Worship Leader" these days

Definitely the best use of 3D in the very few 3DS games I've played.

I mostly loved this bomb, but I will admit that I accidentally skipped this episode and did not notice until reading through episode recaps fifteen minutes ago.

How do you watch this movie? is it streaming somewhere?

Just watched this this week! Agreed, it's probably a C+, but we enjoyed it anyway.

I think it MIGHT be an epidemic, but the video didn't do anything to support the argument that it's increasing. All we know from the text is some movies are bad (or passable) and some things that make them so.

We did Little Shop with a (deep-voiced) woman as Audrey II, and it was sexy and creepy and awesome.

This time around i'm naming as many pokemon as possible after the Family classification of the real-world animal they're based on. For example, Spinarak is named Theridiidae for the Hawaiian Happy-Face spider and its kin. Went for Family because that seemed to be a good balance of not too specific (hard to pick a

Wow, this is a perfect metaphor for America rn.

I'm still hoping that one of the Deadpool movies will be a zombie movie.

Aww, is X23 gonna get trapped in a future timeline? Any hope we can ship her back to the nineties in time for the next movie?

I love how the logos for Saban and Lionsgate even got awful makeovers.

This won't be good. But it might be fun in a Jupiter Ascending kind of way.

Portable. You can use it at home. Checks out.

This is a great direction for the series. I'm not into blood and guts, but reading reviews and summaries of the story is very entertaining, and I think this development shows the right mind about how to move forward with this property.

I know we're talking about film here, but Spongebob and Steven Universe both place a marked emphasis on fast food, with both passionate workers and disaffected people punching the clock.

I'm not a businessman, I'm a racist, MAN!

I kinda… love it. This is random, and won't catch on, but it's an attempt to make cuter wearable tech, and I appreciate it.

I read the Redbox description for Revolutionary Road and rented it for a romantic, inspirational movie night with then-girlfriend and our religiously conservative best friend. Instead we got Revolutionary Road.

I will accept literally any episode involving Nanefua. Even a Pearl/Nanefua ship.