Daniel Virden

I felt like we could have used one extra scene before Diana left the island, with her caught between loyalty to her mother and her sense of destiny to save the world, where Antiope's partner would come and encourage Diana to leave and save the world. It would give us a little more time to mourn Antiope, to view her

It was meant in camaraderie, i'm sure

"God only Knows" is really popular with the cult shows, eh? Big Love, The Path, and the Leftovers—am I missing more?

or to Bismuth! Who thinks she's a hypocrite after seeing her crush a diamond.

This poster is the first time I realized this, but I committed to search the comments until I found somebody else saying it for me

Aww, is Paula's husband really gone then?

So for Mrs. Hernandez, are we to understand she's been speaking the entire time and Rebecca was just too oblivious to notice? Because that's definitely the take I got.

OMG THAT IS CAROL CHANNING. I knew there was something there I was forgetting.

I go back and forth on this one. Obviously it MUST just be her subconscious, and they make very brief overtones to let you know that should be the case. And yet, she knows everybody is at her house, then she goes to her house and there they are! So I think we can accept it as true despite the impossibility. Perhaps

Who's ready for the ensuing legal comedy, "The Joke Thief"?

If they had released this alone I would have been excited for this show.

Jesus, that Black Bolt. Just…. god. I don't think anyone but HBO could have made Inhumans work.

OH YEAH. I knew I was forgetting something. That was the biggest "so what?" of the reveal they'd resurrect her. They ended with "I'll love you forever" so I couldn't see how she would come back to life and be like, "alright, ninjas, let's kill my boyfriend."

god, that looks bad

Looking forward to adding this to my library when I finally shell out for the Switch. As an arbitrary moderating device, I'm waiting until they finally announce Pokemon Stars.

I kind of like that Iron Fist dug into the Hand's resurrection abilities. We already knew they could do it, but warming the subject up again will make Elektra's return a little smoother.

"So this is Star Wars" "I know what Star Wars is." "Dangit."

OMG time for Steve to help Star-Lord catch up with modernity

Did anybody else absolutely love the one-episode pilot for "Jessica and Kilgrave solve crimes and learn morality"?

The case for Heroes for Hire was made in Luke Cage as "help people for money, so they accept your help AND you have money to stay alive." I very strongly don't want to see Danny Rand taking poor people's money as a condition to beat up the people oppressing them.