
For us old-school DVD by mail devotees: Any idea if this will affect Netflix's DVD library - or only their streaming library?

From now on - all Transformers scripts will be written by a computer.

It is as foretold in 30 Rock (though I guess Transformers 5 already happened)

So is it better to see this in 70 mm (non-IMAX), or in IMAX digital?
I have those options, but not the holy grail of 70 mm IMAX.

Where's Janelle Monae?! (Hopefully working a new album)

I do love this song - but this news has been overhyped everywhere. Many bands have done this. Pearl Jae are well known to have avoided making catch songs after Vitalogy - keeping songs like "Down" off their records.

How about Jack White? He can be weird. It would be all blues rock instead of glam rock/80s pop though.

Strong move.

Yeah, it just seemed like a brutal technical exercise to me. It's impressive, but I didn't feel much tension because I didn't care about the stakes. I mean, we're supposed to care because the lead character has a wife?!

It seems like a toss up between that and A Close Shave

Yeah, she's a bad fit for me too. She's a lovely young woman, but she just doesn't strike me as "Beauty"! She looks like a cute girl wearing a costume.

I'm in the same boat. I keep waiting for the real amazing lineup to be announced.

I remember reading that he shot the scene in 2 or 3 days, which everyone thought was impossible. But he did it man! It's easier if you don't worry about making things coherent.

I seem to remember Cameron saying something about the fact that he made Arnold's other sidekick (not Tom Arnold) and Arab guy. So he was kind of aware of stereotyping Arabs, and felt like having an Arab sidekick would balance it out. At least the sidekick doesn't die!

Was the rooftop jump actually performed live? The way they cut away from her jump made it seem like her jump and her descent were not filmed live. and did she peel off her eye glitter after jumping - or was that indication that it was pre-recorded?

I think seeing Exit live may be the biggest highlight.

It's akin to Batman's embrace of bats - which totally freak him out.

All right then. Thanks for nerdsplaining all that! :)

Joining the conversation late, but I wanted to mention a few minor quibbles:

I think it's their best post 90s album. It's the only album that feels like they let themselves just explore and mess and around and not obsess about having a big hit- which it didn't have - but who cares. Until the end of the recording they did seem to scramble to try to force a hit into it at the last minute,