Reporter: Did you spend thousands of dollars on your CEO’s wife’s hair?
Reporter: Did you spend thousands of dollars on your CEO’s wife’s hair?
Number of men who lost the presidential election = 44
He’s right! Trump is leading the pack for the Republican nomination for president, and the media has said FUCK ALL about it. They’re all, mass shooting this and global climate catastrophe that, and they have covered two (TWO!) Democrat debates for presidential candidates, and how many Republican debates? None, zip,…
Poll question by the horse and buggy association, circa 1900:
In the whole “cheating on beloved wife dying of cancer” scheme of things, I think it was the “beloved wife dying of cancer” part that sunk him, not the “cheating” part. The public loved Elizabeth, and was pissed at him as a result.
I just figured the asterisk was a legal part of his name now.
Narrator: It was.
Old joke: Q: How do you know if someone went to Harvard? A: Within three minutes of meeting them they will tell you.
I’m sure Toledo will welcome him.
The top donor in my city is a personal trainer. I will now boycott his services, which I was never planning on using anyway.
Supremacy of all kinds, bad! Luckily, we now have mediocracy at best in America.
Tucker Carlson, 2001: 19 people? That’s less than what will fit in a cargo van. Plus, I’ve never met a member of Al Quada. I think its all a hoax to divide the country.
Thanks! Two people in my zip code donated to Trump. With this information I learned nothing new, as those same two people had Trump signs in their yard.
Okay, I did what I shouldn’t do and followed the link to her facebook page, and whooo boy!
Hey Donald, know why Dubya didn’t call out Obama as racist? Because he wasn’t fucking racist.
She has zero percent chance of being the nominee, why is Cooper even bothering with her?
DNC 2016: Let’s have an old white person who has tons of political baggage and failed to get the presidential nomination in previous years as our candidate!
“I now present my newest fantasy propaganda video, “Triumph of the Will 2: The Trumpire Strikes Back”.
Jake Tapper, car mechanic: